The Professional Development Recognition Programme (PDRP) is indeed a significant initiative for nurses in New Zealand. Here are some key points about the programme:
- National Programme: Endorsed by the Nursing Council of New Zealand and the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO).
- Purpose:
- Advance professional development in nursing.
- Support nurses in demonstrating competency to the Nursing Council of New Zealand.
- Fulfil obligations under the NZNO Nurses’ MECA.
- Promote and Reward Expertise: Recognizes and rewards nursing expertise.
- Quality Patient Outcomes: Acknowledges the contribution of nurses to quality patient health outcomes.
- Alignment: Developed to align with the national framework and integrate national evidential requirements.
- Compulsory Participation: Nurses must hold a current and relevant PDRP to progress in their careers, which also exempts them from Nursing Council audits.
NZNO Nurses’ MECA: Nurses covered by this agreement can achieve financial rewards at levels 3 and 4.
By district
Find PDRP information by district.
Phone: 021 524 581
Capital and Coast, MidCentral and Whanganui
Capital and Coast, MidCentral and Whanganui
This program ensures that enrolled nurses (ENs) and registered nurses (RNs) maintain a professional portfolio, which is also recommended for those in the primary sector.
Education and workshops
- PDRP Education Workshops: These workshops provide essential information on developing a professional portfolio.
- Resource Nurse PDRP Assessor Workshop: Available for nurses and managers who assess PDRP portfolios.
- Intranet Education Calendar: Check for dates and times of these workshops.
Professional Portfolio
- Submission: Portfolios should be submitted from February to November to the education centre
- Deadline: Submit at least six weeks before the portfolio expires.
- Professional Development and Career Plan (DOCX 362KB)
- Professional Development Record (DOCX 120KB)
Transfer of PDRP
- For New and Transferring Nurses: Required for both external and internal transfers.
- Primary Sector: The new employer must have a PDRP Agreement (MOU) with MidCentral.
- Validity: The transfer is valid until the original portfolio expires or for 12 months from the date of employment.
- New Portfolio: Must be completed and assessed before the transferred PDRP expires.
- Request Form: Complete and email to Renee Galloway -
- Application form for Transfer of PDRP (DOCX 96KB)
- Renee Galloway: Phone +64 06 350 8208 or Email:
Registered Nurse |
Designated Senior Nurse |
Enrolled Nurse |
Self and Peer Assessments: |
Self and Peer Assessments: |
Self and Peer Assessments: |
Portfolio Assessor Tool: |
Portfolio Assessor Tool: |
Portfolio Assessor Tool: |
Hawke's Bay
Hawke's Bay
Nursing Professional Development Recognition Programme (PDRP) is a contemporary professional development framework which assists nurses to further develop knowledge and skills to provide safe and effective care.
Health NZ - Hawke's Bay PDRP is accredited by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) to meet the competency assessment component of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003. Health NZ - Hawke's Bay PDRP includes NCNZ requirements for annual practicing certificates (APC). If you are currently employed by Health NZ - Hawke's Bay or a Primary Health Care (PHC) organisation that has a MOU with Health NZ - Hawke's Bay and you have a Health NZ - Hawke's Bay PDRP portfolio, you will meet NCNZ requirements and will not be audited by NCNZ. Below are all the necessary documents for assist with completion of your PDRP.
For further information please contact Kathy Monson, PDRP Coordinator or 027 302 2821.
PDRP Submissions dates 2025 (PDF 78KB)
Portfolio Clinics 2025 (PDF 134KB)
PDRP Handbook 2024 (PDF 425KB)
Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV) (PDF 1.1MB)
Application for Transfer PDRP Level (DOCX 181KB)
Competencies for Registered Nurses - Nursing Council of New Zealand
Templates for RN Portfolios
RN PDRP Competent (DOCX 79KB)
RN PDRP Proficient (DOCX 82KB)
RN PDRP Expert (DOCX 83KB)
Designated Senior Nurses PDRP (DOCX 87KB)
RN Manager/Peer Three Yearly Competence Review (DOCX 237KB)
Templates for EN Portfolios
EN PDRP Competent (DOCX 80KB)
EN PDRP Proficient (DOCX 82KB)
EN PDRP Accomplished (DOCX 82KB)
EN Manager/Peer Three Yearly Competence Review (DOCX 72KB)
Additional templates
Professional development hours (DOCX 174KB)
Reflection on Professional Development (DOCX 175KB)
Quality Improvement Activity (DOCX 189KB)
Teaching Session and Evaluation (DOCX 178KB)
Peer Case Review (DOCX 183KB)
Nelson Marlborough
Nelson Marlborough
Career development scholarship fund
Are you considering study? With the support of the Care Foundation, Nelson Marlborough has established a career development scholarship fund.
The Care Foundation has trusts where donors have specified they are used as scholarship funds to support training for Nelson Marlborough staff.
We are delighted this scholarship fund is available to all staff, regardless of the area or department they work in, and that we can support people to further their education, this also includes postgraduate studies.
You may be eligible for up to 50% of your study fees ($5,000 maximum) if you work for, or are contracted by us and work a minimum of 20 hours per week.
How to apply
Download the application form and email any further questions to:
Applications are reviewed and considered as they are received.
Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau
The PDRP assessment process is designed to be a positive and rewarding experience, recognizing and celebrating each nurse’s contributions to nursing practice and professional development. Here are some key points about the process:
Assessment Process
- Timeline: The assessment should be completed within 8 weeks of receiving the application. If additional evidence is needed, this may extend up to 4 weeks.
- Communication: Assessors may contact applicants for further details or clarification and may consult with clinical staff with the applicant’s permission.
- Feedback: Formal feedback will be documented as “assessor’s comments” and returned with the portfolio.
- PDRP Helpful Hints Guide (RN)
- EN self-assessments suggestions with NC indicators
After the Assessment
- Successful Assessment: If the criteria are met, the Nurse Coordinator - PDRP will email a letter of completion and a certificate to the applicant.
- Unsuccessful Assessment: Applicants have three options:
- Accept the decision.
- Work on the areas needing more evidence and resubmit the portfolio.
- Appeal the decision.
Becoming an Assessor
- Eligibility: After achieving your PDRP, you can become an assessor. Contact your PDRP nurse coordinator for more information.
Assessor application form
Useful Resources
- PDRP Policy
- PDRP Forms, Templates and Guidelines
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Description of Practice Levels
- Organisations with a memorandum of agreement
Appeals Process:
- For those who wish to appeal the assessment decision please read here (guideline and form).
- PDRP Coordinator: Email PDRP&
PDRP Level |
PDRP Level |
PDRP Level Enrolled Nurse |
Optional: |
Optional: |
PDRP Handbook:
- 2017- 2020 PDRP Handbook (PDF 461KB) contains all necessary information for developing your professional portfolio.
- Need help or support? Email: for assistance.
Portfolio Transfer
- Eligibility: Portfolios from another PDRP, less than 3 years old, can be transferred for 12 months or until expiry.
- Submission: Completed the Transfer form and send it along with a copy of certificate or letter of achievemen to Teresa Fraser.
Submission dates
- Proficient and Above Levels: Submit portfolios on the 1st of March, May, July, September and November. If the 1st falls on a weekend, submit on the following Monday.
PDRP Workshops
- Purpose: These workshops help nurses understand the PDRP and provide guidance on creating a portfolio.
- Next Workshop: Wednesday, 2nd October 2024, from 9am to 1pm.
- Health NZ Employees: Register via the training portal on the intranet.
- External Applicants: Email with your details to register.
Huarahi Whakatū PDRP
- Recognition: The Huarahi Whakatū Maori PDRP is recognized by the Wairarapa and Hutt Valley Nursing and Midwifery Leadership group.
- Validity: Portfolios are valid for 3 years. More information is available on Te Rau Matatini website.
- The Notes for Completion of your Self-Assessment (PDF 209KB)
- The Notes for Completion of Competence Assessment/Peer Review (PDF 167KB)
- Competency Indicators for each PDRP level - Condensed (PDF 176KB)
- Cheat sheet - Self and Senior Nurse Assessment (PDF 571KB)
- Quality improvement project plan (DOCX 198 KB)
- A model for structured reflection (DOCX 27KB)
- Evidence of involvement in wider services, professional or organisation groups (DOCX 199KB)
Designated Senior Nurse RN | Competent Portfolio (RN and EN) | Expert (RN) and Accomplished (EN) Portfolios | Proficient (RN and EN) Portfolios |
Requirements on page 21 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook |
Competent RN requirements on page 18 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook Competent EN requirements on page 22 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook |
Expert RN requirements on page 20 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook Expert EN requirements on page 24 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook |
Proficient RN requirements on page 19 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook Proficient EN requirements on page 23 of the PDRP 2017-2020 Handbook |
Evidence of involvement in professional activities (DOCX 199KB) |