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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health professionals
My Health Account Workforce
My Health Account Workforce
All you need to know about Aotearoa New Zealand’s health workforce digital identity service.
Whatu Tāniko
Find out more about My Health Account Workforce
About My Health Account Workforce
All you need to know about our health workforce digital identity.
Creating your My Health Account Workforce
Sign up for My Health Account Workforce and get access to work-related digital health services.
Identity documents
The identity documents you can use to prove who you are.
Getting the most from your account
How to upgrade your account and access more features.
Connected digital health services
The services you can access right now using your My Health Account Workforce.
Privacy statement
How My Health Account Workforce protects your privacy and keeps your information secure.
Terms of use
What you need to agree to when you use My Health Account Workforce.
Find out about the copyright terms that apply to the My Health Account Workforce service.
Also in this section
Clinical guidance
Data and statistics
Employment relations
Health research
Health sector updates
Health workforce development
My Health Account Workforce
Nutrition and Dietetics
Scholarships and grants
Voluntary Bonding Scheme
Webmail and applications