About this item

Issue date:
2 November 2023
Document date:
30 April 2023
Commissioned report, Report, Research, Resource, Series publications, Statistical publication, Statistics, Surveys
Hospitals and specialist care, Maternity, Primary health care, Rainbow health

Consumer feedback is important to quality improvement of maternity services. Manatū Hauora (now Te Whatu Ora) maternity team have conducted consumer satisfaction surveys seeking consumer feedback since 1999.

In 2021 Manatū Hauora (now Te Whatu Ora) commissioned Research New Zealand to conduct this survey and produce reports based on the results. Four survey methods were used: online, postal, telephone, and for the first time, focus groups were run.

Research New Zealand produced four reports based on these surveys:

  • Summary report of New Zealander’s experiences and perceptions of the maternity and perinatal system 2022
  • Whānau and families experience of New Zealand’s maternity system
  • Survey of and qualitative research with whānau and families who have lost a pēpi/baby
  • Insights into the experiences of mothers and birthing parents known to be poorly served by the maternity and perinatal system.