
This publication, which has been prepared for, and is published by, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, is for the assistance of those involved in providing immunisation services in New Zealand.

While the information and advice included in this publication are believed to be correct, no liability is accepted for any incorrect statement or advice. No person proposing to administer a vaccine to any other person should rely on the advice given in this publication without first exercising his or her professional judgement as to the appropriateness of administering that vaccine to another person.

The Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora website hosts the most current version of the Immunisation Handbook. Check the website for the updates that will occur as and when required.

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This is version 5 of the Immunisation Handbook 2024, released 19 August 2024.

Summary of changes


Summary of changes from previous Immunisation Handbook version (2024 version 4).

See summary of changes

See summary of changes

Section detail 


Major changes  

  • Removed adjuvanted recombinant COVID-19 vaccine Nuvaxovid (rCV) as this vaccine is no longer offered as an alternative for mRNA-CV. Also removed all relevant statements about co-administration and use as an alternative COVID-19 vaccine. 

Chapter 4 

Immunisation of special groups


  • Removed adjuvanted recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (rCV) sections throughout chapter. 
  • 4.3.9 Haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) – included DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib (Infanrix-Hexa) funded for those aged 10 years to <18 years for revaccination following HSCT.
  • 4.3.8 Oncology – added herpes zoster (Shingrix) vaccine recommendation, funded for those who are immunocompromised following haematological malignancy diagnosis, HSCT or post cellular therapy.
  • 4.3.12 HIV – defined ‘poorly controlled HIV’ for herpes zoster vaccination eligibility. 

Chapter 5 


  • Removed adjuvanted recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (rCV) sections throughout chapter. 

Chapters 6, 7, 9, 15, 17 & 21 

Diphtheria Hib, Hepatitis B, Pertussis, Polio, Tetanus 

  • Revaccination sections – included DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib for HSCT aged 10 years to <18 years and removed statement about 5 doses post solid organ transplant up to age 10 years to align with a correction to the planned Pharmaceutical schedule update in September.  
  • Pertussis / Variations from datasheet – included age increase for DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib post HSCT. 

Chapter 12 


  • 12.8.2 post-exposure prophylaxis – edit to wording following concerns about offering MMR to potentially immunocompromised elderly adults – recommended to seek advice from IMAC prior to vaccination of adults born prior to 1960. 

Chapter 18


  • Key information table – added precaution around rZV and Arexvy co-administration. 

Chapter 19 


Chapter 24


  • Table 24.1 – clarification of haematological malignancy and poorly controlled HIV definitions, added recommendations for potentially immunocompromised cancer patients. This is to cover those with historical cancer treatments who remain immunocompromised rather than those who are fully in remission.