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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health professionals
Clinical guidance
Specific life stage health information
Specific life stage health information
Health information about a number of different life stages and life events, such as babies and toddlers, children, teenagers and older people.
Whatu Tāniko
Maternal health
Information about Maternity health
Child health
Information about child health
Youth health
Youth health and wellbeing focuses on the healthy development of young people aged 12-24.
Health of older people
This section provides information about our Health of Older People team
Palliative care
This section provides information on our national palliative care work.
Also in this section
Immunisation Handbook
Communicable Disease Control Manual
Diseases and conditions
Mental health and addiction
Specific life stage health information