About this item

Issue date:
27 July 2023
Corporate Author:
Ihi Research
Commissioned report
Diseases and conditions, Māori health

This report and infographic explore the role kai plays in the lives of whānau across Aotearoa New Zealand and how the Whānau Ora commissioning approach in Te Waipounamu has impacted the relationship whānau have with food.

There are three parts to the report: an integrative literature review, a review of commissioning, and four case studies.

The literature review investigated the role of kai for Māori whānau and other indigenous communities. The review also sought to understand barriers that prevent whānau from making good food choices, as well as solutions evident in the literature. The study also compared literature review findings with successful case studies related to Te Pūtahitanga commissioning. The report presents key findings.

This work was done in partnership with both the Ministry of Health and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu.