The purpose of the NIR is to assist New Zealand to improve its immunisation rates. Improved immunisation coverage will offer individual protection against vaccine-preventable diseases and protection for the community against recurring epidemics. See the Immunisation Schedule page for information on the vaccines offered to infants, children and adults as part of the New Zealand National Immunisation Schedule.

The NIR enables authorised health professionals to quickly and easily find out what vaccines a child has been given (this includes children whose family has shifted to another area or changed healthcare providers). This will help to make sure immunisations are given at the appropriate time.

The Register will also provide a more accurate record of immunisation coverage rates – regionally and nationally. This will enable better programme planning to target populations with the lowest immunisation rates. See Immunisation coverage for more information.

Parents and guardians may request their child’s immunisation information, or request that information be corrected, at any time through their health professional or by contacting their local DHB and asking for the National Immunisation Register. Those living overseas should request their child’s immunisation information from the DHB they last lived in.

To find the contact details for your local health websites , go to local health websites.