
A Framework for Health Literacy


Published 22 May 2015
The Ministry of Health has developed a framework to support each level of the health and disability system in responding to the health literacy needs of all New Zealanders.

Health Literacy Review: A guide


Published 22 May 2015

This guide has been developed to help health organisations carry out a health literacy review, and build health-literate organisations.

Palliative Care and Māori from a Health Literacy Perspective


Published 01 August 2014
This publication looks at health literacy barriers to palliative care for Māori patients and their whānau and explores ways to improve the quality of services.

Māori health literacy research: Gestational diabetes mellitus


Published 02 July 2014

This report identifies health literacy barriers in understanding and managing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).

The report also highlights interventions that may strengthen health literacy to allow better understanding of GDM and greater uptake of screening for GDM by pregnant Māori women.

Health Literacy and the Prevention and Early Detection of Gout


Published 06 June 2014
This publication identifies approaches that strengthen health literacy for the initial prevention and early detection of gout. The report includes resources for use by health practitioners and by people with, or at risk of developing, gout (and their whānau).

Health Literacy and the Prevention and Management of Skin Infections


Published 13 November 2013
The report identifies effective health literacy interventions to strengthen the prevention and management of skin infections for Māori children under 15 years of age and includes a set of skin infection resources for Māori parents/caregivers.

Effective behaviour change in long-term conditions


Published 02 October 2012

The NZ Guidelines Group completed a rapidE process as part of their contract with the Ministry of Health to produce evidence-based guidance for the health sector focusing on implementation.

The rapidE process looked at the available evidence on the effectiveness of health behaviour change interventions for people with long-term conditions. The rapidE process produced a suite of documents.

Review of Health Education Resources on Gout Medication: Summary of report to the Ministry of Health


Published 28 June 2012
This report summarises a review of the suitability of publicly available resources on gout medication and its use – for health professionals as well as consumers and their whānau.

Rauemi Atawhai – A guide to developing health education resources in New Zealand


Published 05 June 2012
Rauemi Atawhai – A guide to developing health education resources in New Zealand has been developed to help the Ministry of Health and its contractors produce effective and appropriate health education resources that meet the needs of the intended audience, are easy to understand, and support improved health literacy.

Kōrero Mārama: Health Literacy and Māori Results from the 2006 Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey


Published 02 February 2010
The report describes the health literacy skills of Māori compared to non-Māori, based on data from the 2006 Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey.