Smokefree NZ

Smokefree NZ has been developed to provide easy to understand and engaging content to enable and inspire all New Zealanders to live and promote a smokefree lifestyle for themselves, their whānau and their community. Includes information on vaping and vaping to quit.


Website includes information on smoking and its effects; smokefree environments and smokefree and Vapefree resources.


Information about Smokefree NZ

Ministry of Health: Quitting smoking

Ministry of Health: Quitting smoking

You have everything to gain by quitting smoking. Quitting is one of the best decisions you can make for your health, and that of your friends and whānau. This page can help you find support for your smokefree journey.


Information about quitting smoking

Healthify - He Puna Wairoa = Quitting smoking topics

Healthify - He Puna Wairoa = Quitting smoking topics

This website includes quit smoking topics including:

  • Why quit?
  • Reasons to stop videos
  • Treatments for quitting smoking
  • Smoking and Pregnancy
  • Smokefree for your children
  • How to quit videos
  • Vaping (including vaping videos)
  • How to talk to your kids about vaping


Information about quitting smoking on the Healthify website



Website includes information on how to quit and stay quit.


Information about Quitline

Health Promotion Agency, Te Hiringa Hauora: Tobacco control

Health Promotion Agency, Te Hiringa Hauora: Tobacco control

Health Promotion Agency leads, delivers and supports a range of health promotion programmes and initiatives in Aotearoa.


Te Hiringa Hauora is working towards a Smokefree New Zealand by 2025. Our work contributes to this goal through our mass media campaigns, community projects, information and resources. So that more people are smokefree and protected from the harm of tobacco. A Smokefree Aotearoa means that our families and whānau are smokefree and protected from the harm of tobacco.


Website includes tabacco control research and evaluation; seminars and webinar details; campaigns and vaping.


Information about tobacco control on the Health Promotion Agency, Te Hiringa Hauora website

Professional development



Intuto is an online learning platform developed by Whānau Āwhina Plunket developed  to support WCTO nurses in their mahi prior to undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care and while on the programme.


Accessing Intuto:

Please contact your WCTO Team leader/Manager to access the registration link and information to access Intuto.

Learn online: FREE Learning resources for health professionals – Smoking Cessation

Learn online: FREE Learning resources for health professionals – Smoking Cessation

Free online learning. This site provides professional education and training for Health Professionals in New Zealand. These courses and resources are provided free by the Ministry of Health.


Information about smoking cessation on the Learn Online website


HealthEd: Smokefree

HealthEd: Smokefree

The Smokefree resources on this site include advisory pamphlets and signage relating to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 and advice and help for those who want to quit smoking.

Informaation about smoking cessation on the HealthEd website

Te Hiringa Hauora /Health Promotion Agency: Smokefree resources

Te Hiringa Hauora /Health Promotion Agency: Smokefree resources

Te Whatu Ora, alongside many other organisations, is working toward the Government’s goal that New Zealand be smokefree by 2025 – with a smoking prevalence of less than 5% of the population. Our contribution to this change focuses on key audiences – young adults and youth, with a particular emphasis on Māori.


Information about smokefree resources

Smokefree help and advice

Smokefree help and advice

Information for those who are thinking about quitting, wanting to support someone to quit, or have recently relapsed and need some advice.

Smokefree Help and Advice