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Home, Health New Zealand.
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Waharua Kōpito
Health services and programmes
Border Health
Maritime border control
Maritime border control
Ships arriving from overseas are subject to health entry requirements. These aim to stop the international spread of disease or public health risks.
Whatu Tāniko
Mandatory maritime requirements
Mandatory documentation must be completed for processing purposes.
Ships exempted from some quarantine requirements
Some ships are exempt from some ‘business-as-usual’ quarantine rules, like having to notify the public health service or submit a health declaration.
Ship Sanitation Certification system
Ships in international waters are required to hold a current Ship Sanitation Control Certificate or a ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate.
Cruise ships
Cruise Ships are required to complete similar pre-arrival information as other commercial craft.
Health (Quarantine Inspection Places) Notice 2014
The Health (Quarantine Inspection Places) Notice 2014 identifies the locations of quarantine inspection places in New Zealand harbours.
Health guidance for maritime passengers and crew
Health protection measures for travellers entering New Zealand
Also in this section
Agencies and health officers supporting border health
Aviation border health
Border health legislation, policy and planning
Border health measures and resources
Maritime border control
National Quarantine Capability