Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns
Primary health organisations (PHOs) ensure the provision of essential primary health care services.
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora contracts Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) to provide primary health services within a certain geographical area.
PHOs manage contracts to general practice that provide subsidised health care for people who are enrolled with a general practice team. Most people in New Zealand are enrolled with a general practice and a PHO.
PHOs provide other health services to support primary healthcare provision in their communities to coordinate a seamless continuum of care for people.
How do PHOs align to the Health NZ regions?
Northern | Te Tai Tokerau
Mahitahi Hauora | mahitahihauora.co.nz | 09 438 1015 |
National Hauora Coalition | nhc.maori.nz | 09 950 3325 |
Comprehensive Care PHO | comprehensivecare.co.nz | 09 415 1091 |
ProCare Group | procare.co.nz | 09 377 7827 |
Auckland PHO | aucklandpho.co.nz | 09 379 4022 |
Comprehensive Care PHO | comprehensivecare.co.nz | 09 415 1091 |
East Health Trust | easthealth.co.nz | 09 538 0599 |
National Hauora Coalition | nhc.maori.nz | 09 950 3325 |
ProCare Group | procare.co.nz | 09 377 7827 |
The Cause Collective | thecausecollective.org.nz | 09 869 2433 |
Total Healthcare Charitable Trust | totalhealthcare.co.nz | 09 271 5371 |
Midland | Te Manawa Taki
Hauraki PHO | haurakipho.org.nz | 07 868 9686 |
National Hauora Coalition | nhc.maori.nz | 09 950 3325 |
Pinnacle Midlands Health Network | pinnacle.co.nz | 07 839 2888 |
Bay of Plenty
ebpha.org.nz | 07 306 2300 | |
Ngā Mataapuna Oranga | nmo.org.nz | 07 579 4930 |
Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation | wboppho.org.nz | 07 577 3190 |
npo.org.nz | 06 864 6803 | |
Pinnacle Midlands Health Network | pinnacle.co.nz | 06 863 2661 |
pinnacle.co.nz | 07 376 0060 | |
Rotorua Area Primary Health Services | raphs.org.nz | 07 349 3563 |
pinnacle.co.nz | 06 759 4364 |
Central | Ikaora
thinkhauora.nz | 06 354 9107 | |
THINK Hauora (Horowhenua) | thinkhauora.nz | 06 367 6433 |
nhc.maori.nz | 09 950 3325 | |
Whanganui Regional Health Network | wrhn.org.nz | 06 348 0109 |
Hawke's Bay
healthhb.co.nz | 06 871 5646 |
tuora.org.nz | 06 370 8055 |
kmc.co.nz | 04 920 4562 | |
Ora Toa PHO | oratoa.co.nz | 04 237 0110 |
Te Awakairangi Health Network | teawakairangihealth.org.nz | 04 566 5320 |
THINK Hauora (Ōtaki) | thinkhauora.nz | 06 367 6433 |
Tū Ora Compass Health (Wellington) | tuora.org.nz | 04 801 7808 |
Tū Ora Compass Health (Porirua) | tuora.org.nz | 04 239 6004 |
South Island | Te Waipounamu
Nelson Marlborough
nbph.org.nz | 03 539 1170 | |
marlboroughpho.org.nz | 03 520 6200 |
chchpho.org.nz | 0800 746 242 | |
pegasus.health.nz | 03 379 1739 | |
waitaha.health.nz | 03 357 4970 |
West Coast
westcoastpho.org.nz | 03 768 6182 |
South Canterbury
scdhb.health.nz | 03 687 2307 |
wellsouth.nz | 03 477 1163 | |
wellsouth.nz | 03 214 6436 |
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PHO Services Agreement
Health NZ works with the primary care sector each year on Variations to the Agreement.