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Home, Health New Zealand.
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Waharua Kōpito
For health providers
Pay equity settlements
Pay equity settlements
The current pay equity settlements are for care and support workers and mental health and addiction workers.
Whatu Tāniko
Care and support workers pay equity settlement
$2 billion pay equity settlement for care and support workers in New Zealand’s disability residential care and home and community support services.
Mental health and addiction support workers pay equity settlement
In June 2018 the Government announced the extension of the Care and Support Workers Pay Equity Settlement
Nurses' pay equity
Employees covered by the nursing pay equity claim voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposed nursing pay equity settlement.
Pay equity claims and settlements
A pay equity claim covers all employees who are doing the same or similar work, regardless union affiliation or their type of employment agreement.
Pay disparities
Government funding has been set aside to reduce pay gaps within the New Zealand health sector.
Also in this section
Claims, provider payments and entitlements
Contract information
Health workforce health and safety
Pay equity settlements
Primary Care Sector
Publicly funded health and disability services