This framework will help guide the decisions Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora makes in response to applications from Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) requesting to expand outside of their geographical boundaries.

The interim framework has been developed following engagement with PHOs and Iwi Māori Partnership Boards and will be in place while Health NZ works with the sector to develop the longer-term role and functions of PHOs across the motu.

New applications for PHOs are temporarily paused until further notice whilst this work is carried out.

Framework principles

The intention of the framework is to maintain stability for the primary care sector while the future role of PHOs is considered, but also allowing for movement where it makes sense and benefits the people it serves and cares for.

Following engagement and feedback from the sector, decision making will be driven by the following Pae Ora Act aligned principles, focused on the applicant’s ability to demonstrate their potential impact on:

  • Equity
  • Local collaboration and partnership
  • The quality of care delivered

And how many services and people their support will reach

The full framework can be found here:

PHO Expansion Decision Making Framework (PDF 171KB)