The National Breastfeeding Strategy for Aotearoa recognises that Māori, as Tangata Whenua, are partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi alongside Tangata Tiriti – peoples of non-Māori origin - who have a right to live in Aotearoa New Zealand under Te Tiriti.
This Strategy commits to upholding the mana of Te Tiriti o Waitangi by ensuring the breastfeeding needs and aspirations of wāhine Māori and their whānau are reflected in the Strategy’s whāinga (goals), whakaarotau (priorities) and putanga (outcomes).
Improving Māori breastfeeding rates will support the reduction of inequalities between Māori and non-Māori, with the whāinga, whakaarotau and putanga in this Strategy focused on increasing health equity and improving the hauora (health) and wellbeing of parents, their pēpi and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Meeting obligations under Te Tiriti is necessary to realise the overall aims of He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy. Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025 provides guidance for the government, and the health and disability system as a whole to give effect to He Korowai Oranga. It sets out a suite of outcomes, objectives and priority areas for action that will contribute to the achievement of pae ora – healthy futures, and achieve four high-level outcomes. These are:
- enabling iwi, hapū, whānau and Māori communities to exercise their authority to improve their health and wellbeing
- ensuring that the health and disability system is fair and sustainable and delivers more equitable outcomes for Māori
- addressing racism and discrimination in all its forms
- protecting mātauranga Māori throughout the health and disability system.