Starship: Safekids Aotearoa

Starship: Safekids Aotearoa

Safekids Aotearoa provides practical advice based on international research, local knowledge and mātauranga, to help keep children safe from serious injuries like falls, drowning and incidents on the road.


Information about Safekids Aotearoa on the Starship website

Health Navigator: Child protection

Health Navigator: Child protection

Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.


Information about child protection on the Health Navigator website

KidsHealth: Injury prevention

KidsHealth: Injury prevention

Did you know that more than 60 percent of all under-5 injuries happen in the home? Find out how to make your child's environment safe. Some tips - never leave children, especially those under 5 years of age, unsupervised near water, including baths, buckets and water troughs. Keep medicine in a high place out of reach and out of sight of children. Store it in a locked or latched cupboard.


Information about injury prevention on the KidsHealth website

Whānau Āwhina Plunket: Car seats

Whānau Āwhina Plunket: Car seats

Car accidents are one of the biggest dangers to New Zealand children. It’s important to choose the right child restraint to keep your child safe.


Information about car seats on the Whānau Āwhina Plunket website

Starship: Factsheets and infographics

Starship: Factsheets and infographics