Ministry of Health: The first year
Ministry of Health: The first year
Information and advice to support you during baby’s first year.
Information about the first year of parenting on the Ministry of Health website
Ministry of Health: Supporting parents
Ministry of Health: Supporting parents
Most parents want the best for their children. Families from all sorts of backgrounds can have problems that put their children at risk of abuse or neglect.
Information about supporting parents on the Ministry of Health website
Professional development
Tūpuna Parenting
Tūpuna Parenting
Tūpuna Parenting is a movement to reclaim traditional Māori parenting ways. We all want the best for our whānau, and our tūpuna can help us.
Intuto is an online learning platform developed by Whānau Āwhina Plunket developed to support WCTO nurses in their mahi prior to undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care and while on the programme.
Accessing Intuto:
Please contact your WCTO Team leader/Manager to access the registration link and information to access Intuto.
Learn online: Learning resources for health professionals - Power to Protect - Shaken Baby Prevention (2022)
Learn online: Learning resources for health professionals - Power to Protect - Shaken Baby Prevention (2022)
This site provides professional education and training for Health Professionals in New Zealand. These courses and resources are provided free by the Ministry of Health.
HealthEd: Power to protect
HealthEd: Power to protect
This resource for health professionals to use with parents and caregivers talks about the reasons why a baby may cry, gives tips for how to cope, and explains the damage that can be caused by shaking a baby. Printed copies of this pamphlet are limited and restricted to 200 copies per order (by health professionals). However, everyone can read the information online and download a PDF copy. Much of the information in this pamphlet is also contained in the Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book so parents should be referred to their copy in the first instance.
Tākai is a village of whānau supporters who work together to wrap around whānau, communities and our littlest tamariki under-five.
KidsHealth: Parenting your baby in their first year
KidsHealth: Parenting your baby in their first year
Three different whānau share their stories in a video about baby's first year. Hear what parents have to say about looking after yourself and describe how they support each other and baby.
Health Navigator: Parenting resources, courses and support
Health Navigator: Parenting resources, courses and support
Being a parent is one of the most important and challenging things you can do. Helping guide your children to become healthy, happy, responsible and caring adults takes effort and focus. There will be times where you need support. When you do, try the resources and courses below.
Information about parenting resources, courses and support on the Health Navigator website