Last updated 2pm 22 July 2024.

This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to cases recorded prior to 11:59 pm 21 July 2024.

Hospitalisation and ICU care for COVID-19

Cases by sex

Sex Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
Female 1490217 21243 486
Male 1190642 21176 762
Unknown 2804 15 0
Total 2683663 42434 1248

Cases by age group

Age group Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
0 to 9 226997 4641 90
10 to 19 331929 1199 31
20 to 29 436351 2199 27
30 to 39 452066 2708 76
40 to 49 385914 2762 121
50 to 59 344260 4046 177
60 to 69 257620 5788 282
70+ 248477 19091 444
Unknown 49 0 0
Total 2683663 42434 1248

Cases by ethnicity

Prioritised ethnicity* Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
Māori 386841 6821 261
Pacific Peoples 204841 4522 154
Asian 381847 4032 95
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 45501 678 10
European or Other 1647876 26280 721
Unknown 16757 101 7
Total 2683663 42434 1248

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European or Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Case demographics - all COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 and ethnicity

Total cases and tests by ethnicity

  Total cases since first NZ case Total tests for COVID-19 to date
Māori 386841 1,245,105
Pacific Peoples 204841 968,898
Asian 381847 1,350,895
European or Other 1693377 4,359,356
Unknown 16757 370,114
Total 2683663 8,294,368

Note: This table shows the number of tests, and some people are tested more than once.

Cases by ethnicity

Cases by ethnicity bar graph Cases by ethnicity bar graph Cases by ethnicity bar graph

Cases of COVID-19 by ethnicity

Ethnicity Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases since first case Percentage of all cases
Māori 239 386225 377 386841 14.4%
Pacific Peoples 111 204519 211 204841 7.6%
Asian 204 381476 167 381847 14.2%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 21 45461 19 45501 1.7%
European or Other 1503 1642893 3480 1647876 61.4%
Unknown 8 16735 14 16757 0.6%
Total 2086 2677309 4268 2683663 100%

COVID-19 by age and sex

Cases by age

Cases by age bar graph Cases by age bar graph Cases by age bar graph

COVID-19 cases by age group

Age group Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
0 to 9 84 226901 12 226997 8.5%
10 to 19 60 331866 3 331929 12.4%
20 to 29 190 436148 13 436351 16.3%
30 to 39 252 451787 27 452066 16.8%
40 to 49 268 385591 55 385914 14.4%
50 to 59 312 343813 135 344260 12.8%
60 to 69 285 257002 333 257620 9.6%
70 to 79 283 157164 862 158309 5.9%
80 to 89 248 69908 1598 71754 2.7%
90+ 104 17080 1230 18414 0.7%
Unknown 0 49 0 49 0%
Total 2086 2677309 4268 2683663 100%

Cases by sex

Total cases of COVID-19 by sex

Sex Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
Female 1254 1486961 2002 1490217 56%
Male 829 1187555 2258 1190642 44%
Unknown 3 2793 8 2804 0%
Total 2086 2677309 4268 2683663 100%

Details of COVID-19 deaths

All deaths where someone has died within 28 days of being reported as having a positive test result for COVID-19 are now reported. This approach is in-line with that taken by other countries — such as the United Kingdom — and it ensures that all cases of COVID-19 who die are formally recorded to help provide an accurate assessment of the impact of COVID-19.

In many instances, further investigation will provide more information about the contribution of COVID-19 to their death.

This contribution can range from death not related, for instance someone with COVID-19 who dies in a car accident; to COVID-19 being a contributing cause, for example when someone dies with an existing health condition combined with COVID-19; and to COVID-19 being recorded as the cause of death.

Deaths that are still being investigated are reported as still to be classified.

Age and ethnicity of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case

Age group Māori Pacific Peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 157 64 44 256 524
60 to 69 126 57 17 349 555
70 to 79 158 85 59 1014 1319
80 to 89 133 99 98 1966 2299
90+ 45 29 38 1472 1586
Total 619 334 256 5057 6283

Age and ethnicity of deaths where COVID-19 is officially coded as the underlying cause

Age group Māori Pacific Peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 37 19 13 37 106
60 to 69 38 23 8 108 178
70 to 79 64 24 25 396 511
80 to 89 56 38 47 893 1035
90+ 25 18 18 795 858
Total 220 122 111 2229 2688

Details of past cases

We publish details about every person with COVID-19 (confirmed or probable) in a downloadable spreadsheet. For privacy reasons, this data only includes:

  • Date potential case was notified
  • Sex of case
  • Age group of case
  • District where the case lives - listed as "Managed isolation & quarantine" for border cases
  • If the case is related to overseas travel

This data covers all cases from 26 February 2020 to 22 July 2024 and is available from the Ministry's COVID-19 Data GitHub repository.

Researchers can request detailed data on COVID-19 in New Zealand by sending an email to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Response and Coordination team -

Please note that all data and statistics relating to COVID-19 vaccinations are available on the COVID-19 vaccine data page. This page is updated weekly at 1pm on Wednesday.