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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
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Waharua Kōpito
Health services and programmes
Digital Health
Data and digital standards
Standards in development
Standards in development
HISO has an active work programme maintaining and developing health information standards for the New Zealand health and disability sector.
Whatu Tāniko
Allergy and Adverse Reaction Data Standard
HISO is assisting the Health Identity Platform team to develop a standard for recording allergies and adverse reactions in the Medical Warning System
Digital health namespace identifiers
Identifiers for the terminologies, code systems and other namespaces used in digital health.
New Zealand Patient Summary
Our new data exchange standard for core personal health information in Aotearoa New Zealand, built on the International Patient Summary (IPS).
Personal health information standards
HISO has endorsed the Patient Summary Standards Set (PSSS) and International Patient Summary (IPS) as source standards for personal health information
Shared care plan standards
HISO is working with the Health Care Home Collaborative to develop and lead the adoption of common standards for interoperable shared care plans.
Also in this section
Approved standards
Standards in development
Evaluating business cases against HISO standards
FAIR data principles
Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO)
NZ Core Data for Interoperability
HL7 New Zealand
ISO/TC 215 Health informatics national mirror committee
New Zealand FHIR Registry
SNOMED CT terminology service
Standards lifecycle
Standards open for public comment