Immunisation data is collected from Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) and is collated weekly.

We report both publicly funded and some privately funded flu vaccines that are recorded. Not all the privately funded vaccines are recorded in our registries which means the total number of vaccines administered will be higher than reported. Influenza vaccines are funded under several criteria. More detail is on our Health Information and Services website. Our reporting is focussed on the 2024 funded age groups.

Flu vaccine — Health Information and Services

Total vaccinations

  Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Week: 26 August to 1 September 415 334 772 1,930 3,451
Total vaccinations 6M-12 years (YTD) 4,632 3,585 16,396 20,005 44,618
Total vaccinations 65+ years (YTD) 34,363 17,343 41,363 446,380 539,449
Total vaccinations (YTD) 94,743 56,900 174,308 830,918 1,156,869


  • Ethnicity: This is based on prioritised ethnicity, which means each person is only counted against a single ethnicity category. When a person has multiple ethnicities recorded, then the prioritised ethnicity is ranked in the order of 1) Māori 2) Pacific Peoples 3) Asian 4) Other. For example, if a person is recorded as their ethnicities being both Māori and Pacific Peoples, their prioritised ethnicity will be Māori, i.e. they will not be counted in the Pacific Peoples group.
  • YTD: is defined as vaccinations occurring in the 2024 flu season between 2 April 2024 and 1 September 2024.

Vaccinations by district

Number of vaccines by district and prioritised ethnicity. Based on the district of where the person lives, which may differ from where the person received their vaccine.

  Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Auckland 5,236 8,813 33,431 63,622 111,102
Bay of Plenty 7,265 839 3,392 46,379 57,875
Canterbury 7,784 3,090 17,474 132,331 160,679
Capital and Coast 5,833 4,270 13,459 69,168 92,730
Counties Manukau 9,307 21,941 34,374 44,173 109,795
Hawkes Bay 5,631 1,228 1,995 31,461 40,315
Hutt Valley 3,609 2,085 5,978 28,080 39,752
Lakes 4,332 458 1,585 15,307 21,682
MidCentral 3,879 898 3,106 34,526 42,409
Nelson Marlborough 2,315 896 1,963 37,766 42,940
Northland 7,245 493 1,477 27,533 36,748
South Canterbury 679 248 713 14,660 16,300
Southern 4,976 1,520 5,695 72,944 85,135
Tairawhiti 2,901 308 390 5,055 8,654
Taranaki 2,834 354 1,465 24,752 29,405
Waikato 10,418 2,194 9,976 67,956 90,544
Wairarapa 1,086 213 408 10,570 12,277
Waitemata 6,454 6,592 36,572 85,141 134,759
West Coast 550 71 274 6,812 7,707
Whanganui 2,376 330 498 12,472 15,676
Overseas / Unknown 33 59 83 210 385
Total 94,743 56,900 174,308 830,918 1,156,869

Vaccination uptake: age 65+ years

Uptake percent is calculated by comparing the flu doses to date for this year with the estimated number of people in New Zealand who are aged 65 and over.

The estimated population is sourced from AIR and validated against the National Health Index (NHI) and National Enrolment Service (NES) registers.

The equity gap is the difference in rates for Māori or Pacific ethnicities to non-Māori/non-Pacific.

  Māori   Pacific   Asian   Other   Total   Equity gap  
  count % count % count % count % count % Māori Pacific
Auckland 1,503 57% 3,034 53% 9,479 52% 26,995 62% 41,011 58% -2% -6%  
Bay of Plenty 3,235 54% 191 54% 594 46% 29,701 63% 33,721 62% -9% -9%  
Canterbury 2,296 63% 616 55% 2,938 53% 65,098 70% 70,948 69% -6% -14%  
Capital and Coast 1,442 62% 1,326 57% 2,727 56% 26,437 71% 31,932 68% -7% -12%  
Counties Manukau 2,838 55% 6,878 54% 10,036 52% 23,594 58% 43,346 56% -1% -3%  
Hawkes Bay 2,044 52% 212 48% 318 44% 19,017 65% 21,591 63% -13% -16%  
Hutt Valley 1,085 58% 754 60% 1,300 54% 12,590 67% 15,729 65% -8% -6%  
Lakes 1,965 54% 145 53% 256 47% 9,503 61% 11,869 59% -7% -8%  
MidCentral 1,548 56% 241 50% 719 54% 20,161 65% 22,669 64% -8% -14%  
Nelson Marlborough 839 60% 84 50% 204 52% 22,726 65% 23,853 64% -5% -14%  
Northland 3,310 47% 189 49% 271 44% 18,993 54% 22,763 53% -7% -6%  
South Canterbury 251 63% 24 50% 66 46% 8,958 67% 9,299 67% -4% -17%  
Southern 1,496 58% 274 55% 513 49% 36,651 63% 38,934 62% -4% -7%  
Tairawhiti 1,314 49% 33 36% 43 48% 2,946 52% 4,336 51% -4% -16%  
Taranaki 1,081 59% 54 54% 187 54% 14,179 64% 15,501 64% -5% -10%  
Waikato 3,901 52% 619 52% 1,858 48% 39,515 61% 45,893 59% -8% -9%  
Wairarapa 410 54% 60 59% 76 57% 6,670 62% 7,216 61% -8% -3%  
Waitemata 1,998 55% 2,258 52% 9,363 49% 43,864 60% 57,483 57% -3% -6%  
West Coast 213 60% 13 57% 29 52% 4,007 57% 4,262 57% 3% 0%  
Whanganui 1,040 60% 91 58% 85 48% 8,130 65% 9,346 64% -5% -7%  
Overseas / Unknown 7 17% - 4% 14 13% 85 15% 109 14% 3% -10%  
Total 33,816 55% 17,099 53% 41,076 51% 439,820 63% 531,811 61% -7% -9%  

Vaccination uptake: age 6 months to 12 years

  Māori   Pacific   Asian   Other   Total   Equity gap  
  count % count % count % count % count % Māori Pacific
Auckland 273 3% 462 4% 2,771 10% 2,152 8% 5,658 8% -6% -5%
Bay of Plenty 242 1% 41 3% 222 4% 696 3% 1,201 3% -2% 0%
Canterbury 515 3% 337 7% 1,834 10% 3,800 7% 6,486 7% -4% -1%
Capital and Coast 273 4% 212 5% 1,001 11% 2,318 10% 3,804 9% -7% -6%
Counties Manukau 547 2% 1,434 4% 2,936 8% 997 4% 5,914 5% -4% -2%
Hawkes Bay 188 2% 76 4% 103 4% 358 3% 725 2% -1% 1%
Hutt Valley 218 3% 72 3% 503 9% 762 7% 1,555 6% -4% -5%
Lakes 132 1% 22 3% 139 6% 235 3% 528 2% -3% -1%
MidCentral 132 1% 36 2% 204 5% 437 3% 809 3% -2% -1%
Nelson Marlborough 139 3% 73 9% 222 11% 617 4% 1,051 5% -2% 5%
Northland 207 1% 20 2% 94 4% 239 2% 560 2% -1% 0%
South Canterbury 20 1% 40 8% 56 6% 163 3% 279 3% -2% 5%
Southern 268 3% 107 5% 364 7% 1,484 5% 2,223 5% -2% 0%
Tairawhiti 66 1% - 0% 27 7% 72 2% 165 2% -2% -3%
Taranaki 152 2% 41 9% 125 7% 474 4% 792 4% -2% 5%
Waikato 403 2% 118 3% 653 5% 1,123 3% 2,297 3% -2% 0%
Wairarapa 44 2% 31 11% 65 14% 186 4% 326 4% -3% 6%
Waitemata 401 3% 313 3% 3,920 11% 2,380 5% 7,014 6% -5% -5%
West Coast 32 3% - 3% 24 7% 114 4% 173 4% -1% -1%
Whanganui 70 1% 14 3% 34 5% 151 3% 269 2% -2% 0%
Overseas / Unknown - 1% - 1% 7 3% 7 1% 17 1% -1% 0%
Total 4,323 2% 3,454 4% 15,304 9% 18,765 5% 41,846 5% -4% -2%

Vaccination uptake over time: age 65+ years

Vaccination uptake over time: age 65+ years Vaccination uptake over time: age 65+ years Vaccination uptake over time: age 65+ years

Vaccinations per week for all age groups

Vaccinations per week for all age groups Vaccinations per week for all age groups Vaccinations per week for all age groups

Notes on report data:

  1. On 2 April 2024, the estimated population was changed to be sourced from AIR instead of the most recent Health Service User (HSU).
  2. Immunisation data is sourced from Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) which includes migrated information from the COVID-19 Register (CIR) and National Immunisation Register (NIR) and collated weekly.
  3. Data captured on paper or systems other than AIR are not included.
  4. The data contains public and privately funded influenza vaccinations. Following the 2021 flu season we have seen a higher proportion of privately funded vaccines being recorded. This is due to additional immunisation registries and the ability of pharmacies and other providers being able record vaccinations. Data between years, therefore, are not directly comparable.