On this page
Last updated 2pm 9 December 2024.
This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to tests recorded prior to 11:59pm 8 December 2024.
Testing data is collected from the Eclair database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.
Testing summary, status, and results
COVID-19 testing
Total | |
PCR tests uploaded during past week | 2,110 |
All COVID-19 viral tests administered | 8,383,992 |
Testing kits in stock | 22,373 |
Testing results from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Test results | In managed facilities | Within NZ communities | Total |
Tested positive for COVID-19 | 3,838 | 262,432 | 266,270 |
Tested negative (no COVID-19) | 236,839 | 7,826,433 | 8,063,272 |
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 | 190 | 54,260 | 54,450 |
Total (all tests) | 240,867 | 8,143,125 | 8,383,992 |
Testing over the past 4 weeks
Tests at managed facilities and within the community in health districts
Health district of residence | 12 Nov to 17 Nov | 19 Nov to 24 Nov | 26 Nov to 1 Dec | 3 Dec to 8 Dec |
Auckland | 322 | 202 | 281 | 226 |
Bay of Plenty | 25 | 41 | 45 | 20 |
Canterbury/West Coast | 53 | 54 | 53 | 56 |
Capital & Coast/Hutt | 23 | 20 | 27 | 26 |
Counties Manukau | 496 | 458 | 428 | 384 |
Hawkes Bay | 132 | 153 | 129 | 159 |
Lakes | 14 | 10 | 14 | 10 |
MidCentral | 126 | 133 | 101 | 114 |
Nelson Marlborough | 61 | 82 | 94 | 88 |
Northland | 130 | 155 | 169 | 117 |
South Canterbury | 23 | 14 | 23 | 18 |
Southern | 184 | 193 | 205 | 202 |
Tairawhiti | 6 | 10 | 12 | 7 |
Taranaki | 69 | 68 | 88 | 77 |
Waikato | 225 | 248 | 196 | 197 |
Wairarapa | 37 | 29 | 39 | 40 |
Waitemata | 492 | 402 | 416 | 348 |
Whanganui | 9 | 14 | 9 | 10 |
Unknown | 25 | 7 | 18 | 11 |
Total | 2,452 | 2,293 | 2,347 | 2,110 |
Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.
Tests by ethnicity
Ethnicity | 12 Nov to 17 Nov | 19 Nov to 24 Nov | 26 Nov to 1 Dec | 3 Dec to 8 Dec |
Māori | 489 | 449 | 446 | 401 |
Pacific Peoples | 363 | 296 | 296 | 244 |
Asian | 300 | 299 | 277 | 252 |
European or Other | 1,283 | 1,244 | 1,319 | 1,203 |
Unknown | 17 | 5 | 9 | 10 |
Total | 2,452 | 2,293 | 2,347 | 2,110 |
Total tests
COVID-19 test result | 12 Nov to 17 Nov | 19 Nov to 24 Nov | 26 Nov to 1 Dec | 3 Dec to 8 Dec |
Tested positive | 190 | 184 | 198 | 179 |
Tested negative (no COVID-19) | 2,246 | 2,086 | 2,126 | 1,919 |
Inconclusive result | 16 | 23 | 23 | 12 |
Total | 2,452 | 2,293 | 2,347 | 2,110 |
Testing rate and results by location and ethnicity
All tests by district and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Location | Total tests | Tested positive (%) | Test rate per 1000 people |
Managed isolation and quarantine facilities | 240,867 | 1.59% | NA |
Auckland | 1,179,224 | 3.00% | 2,396.3 |
Bay of Plenty | 299,984 | 2.75% | 1,157.6 |
Canterbury/West Coast | 665,667 | 4.34% | 1,112.1 |
Capital & Coast/Hutt | 527,286 | 3.27% | 1,120.3 |
Counties Manukau | 1,567,833 | 3.48% | 2,646.4 |
Hawkes Bay | 153,659 | 2.87% | 880.5 |
Lakes | 132,769 | 2.23% | 1,160.3 |
MidCentral | 148,639 | 3.30% | 817.7 |
Nelson Marlborough | 149,959 | 3.49% | 951.9 |
Northland | 282,459 | 2.41% | 1,460.0 |
South Canterbury | 41,953 | 3.17% | 685.3 |
Southern | 380,523 | 4.63% | 1,135.1 |
Tairawhiti | 36,168 | 2.59% | 703.1 |
Taranaki | 155,550 | 3.23% | 1,263.8 |
Waikato | 703,284 | 3.13% | 1,634.4 |
Wairarapa | 42,296 | 3.34% | 870.0 |
Waitemata | 1,384,019 | 2.80% | 2,199.8 |
Whanganui | 39,489 | 3.23% | 578.7 |
Unknown | 252,364 | 2.18% | NA |
Total | 8,383,992 | 3.18% | 1,676.6 |
Tests by ethnicity
Tests by ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Ethnicity* | Total test | Tested positive (%) | Test rate per 1000 people |
Māori | 1,269,019 | 3.14% | 1,655.2 |
Pacific Peoples | 981,492 | 5.01% | 2,667.8 |
Asian | 1,364,149 | 2.92% | 1,856.7 |
European or Other | 4,401,213 | 2.98% | 1,415.9 |
Unknown | 368,119 | 1.67% | NA |
Total | 8,383,992 | 3.18% | 1,676.6 |
*The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori.
Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources
The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.
Testing rates per 1000 people by location and ethnicity
Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Location | Māori | Pacific peoples | Asian | European/Other |
Auckland | 3,015.9 | 2,827.4 | 2,051.9 | 2,284.0 |
Bay of Plenty | 1,231.8 | 2,199.6 | 1,437.9 | 1,070.3 |
Canterbury/West Coast | 1,200.8 | 1,372.7 | 1,239.1 | 1,046.2 |
Capital and Coast/Hutt | 1,155.7 | 1,284.7 | 1,048.6 | 1,099.4 |
Counties Manukau | 2,871.8 | 3,271.4 | 2,289.4 | 2,326.2 |
Hawkes Bay | 837.2 | 1,866.3 | 1,030.6 | 809.7 |
Lakes | 1,309.5 | 1,497.8 | 1,448.2 | 1,013.5 |
MidCentral | 919.4 | 1,068.9 | 855.4 | 763.6 |
Nelson Marlborough | 1,024.6 | 2,654.7 | 1,099.2 | 881.1 |
Northland | 1,532.9 | 1,847.3 | 1,407.5 | 1,398.2 |
South Canterbury | 837.0 | 1,349.2 | 783.5 | 636.5 |
Southern | 1,216.6 | 1,752.4 | 1,290.0 | 1,087.3 |
Tairawhiti | 727.8 | 1,110.6 | 949.9 | 622.5 |
Taranaki | 1,442.3 | 1,673.6 | 1,616.4 | 1,186.6 |
Waikato | 1,909.5 | 2,157.2 | 1,826.5 | 1,500.3 |
Wairarapa | 957.8 | 1,124.9 | 964.7 | 833.3 |
Waitemata | 2,699.4 | 2,849.2 | 1,847.7 | 2,174.7 |
Whanganui | 585.1 | 706.9 | 667.9 | 559.1 |
Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.
Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity
Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Location | Māori | Pacific peoples | Asian | European/Other |
Auckland | 3.24% | 5.09% | 2.80% | 2.56% |
Bay of Plenty | 2.88% | 4.55% | 3.21% | 2.55% |
Canterbury/West Coast | 4.01% | 5.67% | 3.40% | 4.57% |
Capital & Coast/Hutt | 3.11% | 4.92% | 2.95% | 3.16% |
Counties Manukau | 3.40% | 5.29% | 2.75% | 2.16% |
Hawkes Bay | 2.66% | 3.09% | 3.45% | 2.91% |
Lakes | 2.15% | 2.98% | 1.71% | 2.35% |
MidCentral | 2.76% | 5.48% | 2.93% | 3.42% |
Nelson Marlborough | 3.46% | 4.61% | 4.51% | 3.41% |
Northland | 2.44% | 2.76% | 2.10% | 2.40% |
South Canterbury | 2.25% | 4.57% | 2.93% | 3.28% |
Southern | 4.09% | 5.14% | 5.40% | 4.62% |
Tairawhiti | 2.24% | 3.85% | 1.96% | 3.05% |
Taranaki | 3.39% | 3.96% | 3.24% | 3.19% |
Waikato | 3.47% | 5.25% | 3.74% | 2.72% |
Wairarapa | 3.12% | 4.51% | 3.46% | 3.35% |
Waitemata | 3.07% | 4.59% | 2.77% | 2.47% |
Whanganui | 3.42% | 4.68% | 2.44% | 3.16% |
Note: we cannot give the total number of people testing positive per district and ethnicity for privacy reasons.
Testing rate and results by age and sex
Tests by age group from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Age group | Total people tested | Tested positive (%) | Test rate per 1000 people |
0 to 9 | 615,866 | 3.66% | 942.8 |
10 to 19 | 688,926 | 3.80% | 1,075.4 |
20 to 29 | 1,508,553 | 2.72% | 2,237.5 |
30 to 39 | 1,543,927 | 2.49% | 2,240.5 |
40 to 49 | 1,194,608 | 2.38% | 1,904.0 |
50 to 59 | 1,190,703 | 2.40% | 1,861.2 |
60 to 69 | 871,611 | 3.06% | 1,629.9 |
70 to 79 | 450,322 | 5.49% | 1,257.5 |
80+ | 314,812 | 9.26% | 1,717.2 |
Unknown | 4,664 | 8.75% | NA |
Total | 8,383,992 | 3.18% | 1,676.6 |
Tests by sex from 22 January 2020 to 9 December 2024
Sex | Total people tested | Tested positive (%) | Test rate per 1000 people |
Female | 4,102,016 | 3.26% | 1,608.6 |
Male | 4,030,339 | 3.18% | 1,646.0 |
Unknown | 251,637 | 1.81% | NA |
Total | 8,383,992 | 3.18% | 1,676.6 |
Note: On 4 January 2022, the Ministry of Health started reporting testing rates using the Ministry's HSU population estimate.
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COVID-19 vaccines (goes to another website)
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