Last updated 2pm 22 July 2024.

This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to cases recorded prior to 11:59 pm 21 July 2024.

COVID-19 cases summary

          New case average*

     RATs uploaded average*

                      299 ↓


Cases in hospital as at midnight Sunday

Cases in ICU as at midnight Sunday



Deaths attributed to COVID*

Total deaths attributed COVID



* 7 day rolling average

** Not available

Current situation


In the last week New cases reported 2414
Reinfections 1429
Reinfections (< 90 days) 43
Total since first New Zealand case Cases reported 2683663
Reinfections 393942
Reinfections (< 90 days) 26766


Case outcomes since first New Zealand case

COVID-19 cases Change in the last week Total
Recovered 2276 2677309
Deceased* 22 4268*

*The Ministry of Health has recently switched its definition of 'deceased' from deaths within 28 days of testing positive for COVID-19 to deaths attributed to COVID-19. See the definitions section below for further details.

Deaths with COVID-19

Cause of death Died within 28 days of positive test Died more than 28 days after positive test Total Change in the last week
COVID as underlying 2541 147 2688 15
COVID as contributory 1458 122 1580 7
COVID-attributed total 3999 269 4268 22
Not COVID 2002 0* 2002 22
Not available 282 0 282 8
Total 6283 269 6552 52*

*The change in total deaths with COVID may not be equal to the number of new deaths reported today. This is because deaths that occurred more than 28 days after a positive test that are subsequently determined to be unrelated to COVID are removed from the total.

Of the 52 people whose deaths we are reporting today: three were from Northland, 18 were from Auckland region, seven were from Waikato, five were from Bay of Plenty, five were from Hawke's Bay, one was from Taranaki, one was from Wellington region, one was from Nelson Marlborough, four were from Canterbury, one was from South Canterbury, six were from Southern.

One was in their 30s, one was in their 40s, three were in their 60s, 14 were in their 70s, 17 were in their 80s and 16 were aged over 90. Of these people, 21 were women and 31 were men.

Case details

Number of active cases

  Change in the last week Total since first NZ case
Confirmed 2071 2637318
Probable 18 46345
Total 2089* 2683663

*The change in total case numbers may not be equal to the number of new cases reported today due to data updating and reconciliation.


Active case - confirmed Confirmed cases are people who have received a positive PCR test OR someone who has received a positive result on a Rapid Antigen Test. For more details, see the COVID-19 case definition.
Active case - probable A probable case is when someone is diagnosed based on their exposure to other people with COVID-19 and on their symptoms. 
Reinfections Reinfections are cases in an individual who reported a case 29 or more days previously.  
Recovered Recovered cases are people who had the virus, where at least 7 days have passed since their symptoms started and they have not had symptoms for 72 hours, and they have been cleared by the health professional responsible for their monitoring.
Deceased Includes all deaths where COVID-19 is determined to have been the underlying cause of death or a contributory cause of death.


Cases reported each day

Daily confirmed and probable cases

New COVID-19 cases reported each day New COVID-19 cases reported each day New COVID-19 cases reported each day

This graph shows the count of all cases of COVID-19 every day (all cases – confirmed and probable) since the first New Zealand case in late February 2020. The graph shows the rapid increase of daily cases from mid-February 2022 to early March 2022, driven by the Omicron variant.

From mid-March to mid-April 2022, cases rapidly declined, followed by a period of slower decline until early July. This was followed by a rapid increase in cases, peaking in August before a steady decline in new daily cases. Reported new daily cases hit their lowest since February 2022 in September 2022.

New COVID-19 cases reported each day

This graph shows the count of all cases of COVID-19 every day (all cases – confirmed and probable) since the first New Zealand case in late February 2020. The graph shows the rapid increase of daily cases from mid-February 2022 to early March 2022, driven by the Omicron variant.

From mid-March to mid-April 2022, cases rapidly declined, followed by a period of slower decline until early July. This was followed by a rapid increase in cases, peaking in August before a steady decline in new daily cases. Reported new daily cases hit their lowest since February 2022 in September 2022.

COVID-19 by location

Total cases by location

Total COVID-19 cases by location graph Total COVID-19 cases by location graph Total COVID-19 cases by location graph

This bar graph shows the total cases and their status by health district and those with recent travel history.

The ‘At the border’ data group includes cases detected in managed isolation or quarantine facilities from the period when these were operating, as well as cases with recent travel history from after that time. They are not included in the district totals. Before 17 June, people in managed isolation or quarantine facilities were included in the total of the relevant district.

Total COVID-19 cases by location graph

This bar graph shows the total cases and their status by health district and those with recent travel history.

The ‘At the border’ data group includes cases detected in managed isolation or quarantine facilities from the period when these were operating, as well as cases with recent travel history from after that time. They are not included in the district totals. Before 17 June, people in managed isolation or quarantine facilities were included in the total of the relevant district.

Total cases by location

Location Active Recovered Deceased Total New cases in the last week
Auckland 167 255050 296 255513 197
Bay of Plenty 130 118644 201 118975 158
Canterbury 302 357786 584 358672 348
Capital and Coast 153 193137 196 193486 174
Counties Manukau 170 300921 339 301430 202
Hawke's Bay 45 88458 179 88682 50
Hutt Valley 97 94218 103 94418 116
Lakes 35 52608 115 52758 40
Mid Central 74 99989 222 100285 84
Nelson Marlborough 77 82882 175 83134 90
Northland 61 84006 161 84228 69
South Canterbury 25 35746 49 35820 29
Southern 143 197668 410 198221 162
Tairāwhiti 28 27398 48 27474 29
Taranaki 81 67749 138 67968 97
Unknown 4 2382 9 2395 5
Waikato 180 215368 436 215984 208
Wairarapa 24 26677 69 26770 26
Waitematā 276 320532 431 321239 316
West Coast 1 16278 23 16302 1
Whanganui 13 35683 79 35775 13
At the Border* 0 4129 5 4134 NA
Total 2086 2677309 4268 2683663 2414

* Due to retiring the COVID-19 Protection Framework on 12 September 2022, the Ministry of Health no longer separately reports COVID-19 cases who have recently travelled overseas. These cases will be included in the weekly reporting on all COVID-19 community cases, but we will no longer distinguish between border and other cases.

You can also view a detailed breakdown of daily case numbers for each district since the beginning of the pandemic by clicking the ‘download’ button on the right hand side of this page: New Zealand COVID-19 data.

Note: we cannot give detailed information about cases in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.