Pharmacy Procedures Manual

The Pharmacy Procedures Manual provides a guide for community pharmacists on procedures and processes required for claiming and funding. It may be superseded by any subsequent legislative, policy or pharmaceutical schedule changes.

The updated Version 11 includes changes relating to the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2023, the Misuse of Drugs (Classification and Presumption of Supply) Order 2022 and changes relating to Approved Providers, Quit Cards and Veterans Affairs.

Pharmacy Procedures Manual (PDF, 1.6MB) 
Pharmacy Procedures Manual (DOCX, 2.2MB)
Last updated July 2024


Director General Temporary Authorisation for Unsigned Prescriptions (PDF, 384KB)
Last updated October 2022

The new authorisation means that it is still not necessary to obtain original copies of signed, non-NZePS faxed prescriptions, or to match pharmacy-generated prescriptions with signed prescriptions from the prescriber when all conditions are met.

The wording for the disclaimer required to enable signature-exempt prescribing without a barcode has changed to:

  • "This Prescription meets the requirement of the Director-General of Health’s authorisation of October 2022 for prescriptions not signed personally by a prescriber with their usual signature"


Remote Prescribing FAQs - Manatu Hauora (PDF, 691KB)
Last updated October 2022


New Zealand E-Prescription Service

Telehealth and online tools | Ministry of Health New Zealand


Pharmacy claims

Pharmacy claims

Pharmacy claims cover the medicine subsidy and dispensing costs associated with supplying prescribed pharmaceutical items to patients.

View pharmacy claims

Documents and resources

Documents and resources

Locally Commissioned Services Report - March 2024 (PDF, 329KB)
Last updated March 2024

Locally Commissioned Services Report - March 2024 (DOCX, 746KB)
Last updated March 2024


ICPSA Payment Calendar from 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 (PDF, 161KB)
Last updated July 2024

ICPSA Payment Calendar from 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 (EXCEL, 52KB) 
Last updated July 2024


The Additional Professional Advisory Services Payment (APAS) recognises and values the clinical services pharmacists provide that are not specifically linked to dispensing a medicine.

Pharmacies are not required to do anything more, report differently, or make a claim to receive this payment.

Pack fee payments are an additional margin payment (volume-based) towards the procurement and stockholding costs for a pharmaceutical. Pack fee payments were introduced as part of the work on supply chain. 


A list of ICPSA Purchase Unit Codes and how to make a manual payment if required.

Purchase Unit Codes and Manual Claims Process (PDF, 213KB)
Last updated July 2024

Purchase Unit Codes and Manual Claims Process (DOCX, 184KB)
Last updated July 2024


A list of those services where Community Pharmacists may charge an additional fee for services and products that are not funded under the Pharmaceutical Schedule, ICPSA, or by Part P or any agreement at a local level.

Permitted Pharmacy Charges Rules (PDF, 168KB)
Last updated May 2019


CPAMS invoicing and reporting requirements (PDF, 445KB)
Last updated October 2018

Community Pharmacy Portal

The Community Pharmacy Portal provides information to help pharmacy owners manage their pharmacy payments and manage patient registrations. It generates a range of reports that provide information on what they services they have been paid for, as well as reports that can support the management of patient registrations.

Reports that can be generated include:

  • Case Mix Service Fee Summary
  • Case Mix Service Fee Detail
  • Long Term Conditions Service Summary
  • Long Term Conditions Detail
  • Patient registrations for LTC, CRC and CDOS (Successful registrations/Unsuccessful registrations/ Overdue assessments).


Accessing the portal

To get set up with your unique pharmacy web link, and pharmacy specific user ID and password, get your pharmacy details and:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0800 855 066 (and choose option 2)

You’ll need a secure internet connection to access your Community Pharmacy Portal. This is the same connection that you use to lodge your claim data via Connect Health.


Learn how to use the Community Pharmacy Portal

Step by step presentation slides about how to use the Community Pharmacy Portal.

Using the Community Pharmacy Portal to Understand your Case Mix Service Fee Payments (PDF, 7MB)
Last updated October 2015


Registering and generating reports for Community Residential Care (CRC) and Co-dispensed Opioid Services (CDOS) service users

  1. Log in to the Community Pharmacy Community Portal using your unique pharmacy specific web link and matching pharmacy specific access number.
  2. Select the Registration Management tab from the main menu.
  3. To register a new service user for either CRC or CDOS choose appropriate the ‘Data Entry’ option and follow the instructions provided on the screen.
  4. To review or update a CDOS or CRC registration chooses the appropriate ‘Review and Update’ option and follow the instructions provided.

Remember - You can use the 'NHI Existing Registration Check' at the top of each screen to search the Community Pharmacy Portal to see what services the person is currently registered for.

Pharmacy transfers guide

If you are planning on buying, selling or closing a pharmacy, use this Guide to help you with the transfer of ownership process. The Guide is currently being updated.

If you have any questions, please contact your District Portfolio Manager.

Pharmacy Transfers Guide (PDF, 383KB)
Last updated March 2023


Medsafe audits

Pharmacy Quality Audits and Inspection Audits are conducted by the Medsafe team within Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health. The audits are designed to assess compliance of legislative requirements and quality and safety requirements.

If a MedSafe auditor visits a pharmacy to conduct an audit, they must be allowed to conduct their activities, and be provided with any assistance they require.  Their role is important for ensuring that pharmacies are operated in a safe manner, contributing to public safety.

Find more information about Medsafe


Principles for Recovery following a pharmacy service audit

The Recovery Principles provide pharmacy service auditors with guidance and inform the recommended position for recovery of services fees where contractual obligations have not been met for the Long Term Conditions (LTC) Service, Community Pharmacy Anti-Coagulation Management Service (CPAMS), Aged related residential care (ARRC) and the Co-Dispensed Opioid Service (CDOS).