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Education Centre
The library and education centre opened in 2005 and offers extensive facilities such as quiet study areas and access to desktop computers.
The Education and Development service offers video conferencing, e-learning, education development support, software development consulting services and training package development services.
Facilities consist of a state of the art lecture theatre and four smaller 'breakout' rooms, our education centre provides a great location for all clinical and non-clinical training opportunities that we have available.
The education centre is located above the Emergency Department, off Canning Road, at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Hastings, New Zealand.
Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) courses
Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) course
Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) course
The BASIC course is designed to teach the practical management of critically ill patients. It consists of lectures, skill stations and interactive tutorials covering many aspects of the care of critically ill patients, with an emphasis on supportive management, particularly mechanical ventilation.
2025 BASIC course dates are:
- 19 - 21 February
- 26 - 28 March
- 30 April - 2 May
- 27 - 29 August
- 24 - 26 September
- 8 - 10 October
All courses start at 5pm on the first day and finish at 5pm on the final day.
The course is suited to practitioners from all disciplines who provide care to the intensive care patients, but has particular application to those practitioners from smaller units. Staff who would benefit from the course include:
- House officers, senior house officers and registrars in intensive care, anaesthesia, general medicine, surgery and emergency medicine
- Senior intensive care nursing staff (and nurses from other acute care areas) who provide care for critically ill patients, and wish to develop advanced nursing practice
- Senior medical officers without vocational registration in intensive care medicine, who maintain a service commitment to and an interest in intensive care
- ICU and anaesthetic are: technicians
Numbers of participants is strictly limited for this course. There is a waitlist due to high demand.
Topics include:
- Assessment of the seriously ill patient
- Mechanical ventilation: modes, strategies for optimising ventilators, troubleshooting
- Diagnosis and management of: airway management and airway obstruction; acute respiratory failure
- Severe trauma
- Severe sepsis and septic shock
- Interpretation of arterial blood gases
- Sedation and analgesia
Skill stations include:
- Airway management
- Vascular access
- Mechanical ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit
- Trauma Defibrillation and pacing
Download and complete the registration form (DOCX 23KB) and email to Sandra.Bee@hbdhb.govt.nz. Sandra Bee, Course Co-ordinator, will contact you to offer a place on the course when a place becomes available.
For further course information contact:
Dr Ross Freebairn, Course Director
Phone: 027 4476 887
Email: ross.freebairn@xtra.co.nz
Beyond BASIC - Advanced airway management course
Beyond BASIC - Advanced airway management course
This course, an addition to the BEYOND BASIC series, is designed to give the Intensive Care or Anaesthetics trainee a structured approach to management of the upper airway.
Commonly reported airway events in ICU include difficult and failed intubation and tracheostomy related problems. Themes associated with airway disasters include failure to identify high-risk airways and failure of advanced airway skills and rescue techniques.
The course includes pre-course reading (course manual provided), pre-course MCQs, e-learning and classroom lectures but the main focus will be the skill stations to develop hands on expertise in rescue techniques and decision making in a crisis situation.
CICM approved: Meets the Advanced Airway requirements of the CICM curriculum (2014)
ANZCA approved course - Participants in the ANZCA CPD Program may claim this CICO course as an emergency response activity in their CPD portfolio (ER-15-CICO-004)
Who should attend?
The course is intended for Intensive care Medicine or Anaesthetics trainees with prior anaesthetic experience. It assumes basic upper airway skills. It would also be useful for trainees in Anaesthesia, Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Numbers are strictly limited.
Prior BASIC course completion is essential.
The course will cover:
Direct and indirect laryngoscopy (video laryngoscopy)
Laryngeal mask airways
Double lumen tube intubation
Bronchoscopy and fibre-optic intubation
Tracheostomy and cricothyrotomy
Intubation planning, airway assessment
Endotracheal tube exchange
Acute upper airway obstruction
Dr Ross Freebairn FANZCA, FRCP, FCICM (Hawke’s Bay, NZ)
Dr David Brewster FANZCA, FCICM (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Dr John Copland FANZCA (Frankston, Victoria, Australia)
Dr Tony Diprose FANZCA (Hawke’s Bay, NZ)
Dr Allanah Scott FANZCA, (Hawke’s Bay, NZ)
The Beyond Basic - advanced airway management course is run on an as needed basis.
The venue is Skills Lab, Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Omahu Road, Hastings.
Contact Sandra Bee sandra.bee@hbdhb.govt.nz
In your email include your name, mailing address; phone, and any dietary requirements.
Beyond BASIC - Mechanical ventilation
Beyond BASIC - Mechanical ventilation
A 2 day course suitable for senior trainees in Intensive Care Medicine, Anaesthesia or other acute disciplines; as a refresher for Intensive Care or Respiratory Physicians, Consultant Anaesthetists, and experienced intensive care nurses.
Hawke’s Bay (Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Education Centre, Peter Lloyd Auditorium).
Numbers are strictly limited.
Course includes pre-course reading, lectures, skill stations, learning assessment. Candidates should have attended a BASIC course prior to the Beyond BASIC course. Participants must have read the textbook and have completed an online MCQ test prior to attending the course.
Topics include:
- Applied respiratory physiology, Acute respiratory failure, Heart-lung interactions
- Advanced airway management, Humidification, Basics of mechanical ventilation
- Assist control modes: volume control, pressure control, pressure regulated volume control
- SIMV and assist modes including pressure support, volume support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist
- Other modes: adaptive support ventilation, bilevel airway pressure
- Ventilator settings
- Sedation and paralysis
- Troubleshooting
- Non-invasive ventilation
- Weaning
- Respiratory monitoring including waveform analysis
- ARDS, Unilateral lung disease, Obstructive airways disease
Contact Sandra.Bee@hawkesbaydhb.govt.nz
Beyond BASIC - Intensive Care Nephrology
Beyond BASIC - Intensive Care Nephrology
Check back later for future dates.
The Oliver Smales Memorial Trust
Education and workforce development funding for registered nurses and allied health professionals who work with babies/pēpi, children/tamariki and youth/rangatahi in the Hawke’s Bay region. This includes professionals who provide clinical care in the community and Hawke’s Bay rural sectors.
The Oliver Smales Memorial Trust
The Oliver Smales Memorial Trust
Dr Oliver Smales was a well liked and well respected paediatrician and citizen of Hawke’s Bay who made a significant difference to the lives, health and wellbeing of many babies, children, youth and families during his lifetime. He was a loyal and supportive colleague to many health professionals, with a strong commitment to professional education and workforce development. Oliver died 2 September 2004.
In 2004-2005 Rotary International celebrated its centennial year and, in memory of Oliver, the Rotary Club of Taradale, held a fundraising dinner and auction on 11 November 2004. The rowing Olympians Georgina and Caroline Swindell, were keynote speakers at this special event and the (then) Hawke’s Bay District Health Board matched the funds raised.
The YouTube clip and Taradale Rotary Newsletter profile how the fundraising idea started, the formal event and comments from individuals in the establishment of the Trust.
At the fundraising auction an Olympic t-shirt signed by Georgina and Caroline Swindell was auctioned, subsequently presented to Dr Libby Smales, who in turn asked for the gift to be displayed in Hawke’s Bay Special Care Baby Unit.
The vision and operations of the trust
The vision and operations of the trust
The Oliver Smales Memorial Trust's vision and priorities are outlined in the:
Education and training applications
Education and training applications
A major aim of the Trustees of the Oliver Smales Memorial Trust (OSMT) is that all recipients of funds will promote the teaching and learning principles that were so important to Oliver.
The Trustees of the OSMT accept applications to fund education and workforce development from registered nurses and allied health professionals who work with babies/pēpi, children/tamariki and youth/rangatahi in the Hawke’s Bay region. This includes professionals who provide clinical care in the community and Hawke’s Bay rural sectors. Refer application and reporting template links.
All completed applications must be with the OSMT Secretariate at least two weeks before the Trust’s quarterly meetings.
Applications and reporting templates:
- Application for grant form (DOCX 123KB)
- Report (DOCX 47KB)
- Project proposal or programme application form (DOCX 119KB)
Email the OSMT Trust Secretary at osmt@hbdhb.govt.nz with applications or queries.
Resident Medical Officer learning opportunities
Clinical training and accreditation
Clinical training and accreditation
Clinical training and accreditation is available for the following specialities:
- PGY1
- Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Diploma in Paediatrics
- Surgery SET 1, 2 & 3
- Advanced Orthopaedics
- Basic Adult Medicine and Paediatrics
- Advanced Trainees in Medicine and Paediatrics (runs eligible for approved training)
- Anaesthetics
- pre Part I
- post Part I - Provisional Fellow Obstetrics Gynaecology pre MRNZCOG
- Basic Intensive Care Medicine
- Basic Emergency Medicine
- Advance Intensive Care Medicine
- Advanced Emergency Medicine
Education sessions and clinical meetings
Education sessions and clinical meetings
Education sessions are advertised weekly including grand rounds and clinical radiological meetings with each speciality. House officer teaching sessions are also run weekly. RMOs are encouraged to participate in these sessions. Many of our consultants/registrars conduct education sessions and on occasions visiting speakers are scheduled.
Elective placements for overseas medical students
Applications from overseas medical students who are interested in an elective attachment at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital are welcomed and accommodated wherever possible.
Effective 1 April 2023, a fee of NZ$120 (gst incl) per week applies to all overseas student placements at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital is a teaching hospital for medical students of University of Otago who are studying at the Wellington Clinical School and places an emphasis on providing elective opportunities to national students, therefore there are only a limited number of international elective placements available each year. Application should be made well in advance to have the chance of taking an elective at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital. Placements are usually from two-six weeks duration (with the exception of Intensive Care who require a minimum of four weeks).
International students seeking placement should in the first instance:
- Check with your university regarding medical indemnity insurance for the duration of your time at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. See if you are eligible for MPS Indemnity Insurance:
Medical Protection - Provide a current CV and preferred dates of placement.
- Provide a letter from your Dean of Studies confirming you are a bona fide medical student of good standing.
- Provide evidence of a Police Clearance from your country of residence and/or study.
- Provide a copy of your passport photo. If you are interested in applying for an elective placement please contact the relevant Administrator for your area of interest.
Elective placements at Hawke’s Bay hospital
Specialty | Status | Consultant | Administrator |
Anaesthetics | Available (must be in final year of study) | Marissa Henderson | |
Cardiology | Currently unavailable |
Dermatology | Currently unavailable |
Ear, nose and throat | Available |
Christopher Kennel |
Emergency department | Currently unavailable |
Scott Boyes |
Endocrinology | Currently unavailable |
Intensive care unit |
Currently unavailable |
Louise Trent |
Internal medicine |
Available |
David Gardner |
Gastroenterology |
Currently unavailable |
Ariel Drori |
General surgery |
Currently unavailable |
Grant Broadhurst Bertrand Jauffret |
Neurology | Currently unavailable | ||
Ophthalmology |
Currently unavailable | ||
Orthopaedics |
Currently unavailable |
Alistair Dray |
Paediatrics |
Available |
Kai Steinmann Oliver Grupp |
Radiology | Currently unavailable | Richard Cooper | Email the administrator |
Respiratory | Currently unavailable | ||
Urology | Available | Dave Mason | Email the administrator |
Contact us
If you are looking for more specific information on for example how to access services, finding our facilities, other providers, library hours please contact education@hbdhb.govt.nz.