Below are the education providers that offer courses by distance-learning for medical terminology, clinical coding and clinical coding auditing.

Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology

The Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand, offers a self-directed online short course in Medical Terminology.

For further information about the Certificate of Proficiency in Medical Terminology course and enrolment dates and cost see AUT Medical Terminology Course - Certificate of Proficiency

Health Information Management Association of Australia

Health Information Management Association of Australia

Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) offers distance-education courses in medical terminology and ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS clinical coding.

For further information on the HIMAA courses see HIMAA Education Services

HIMAA Course Assessment and Examination Marking Guidelines for New Zealand Clinical Coders

HIMAA Course Assessment and Examination Marking Guidelines for New Zealand Clinical Coders

Provided is a summary of the current New Zealand Clinical Coding Conventions and NMDS Reporting Requirements for New Zealand students undertaking HIMAA clinical coding courses.

In the HIMAA Assessment and Examination Marking Guidelines section where it states ‘however, if the code(s) are assigned they will be marked as an optional’ means the code assignment will not be marked correct or incorrect. Therefore, marks will not be given or lost if the code(s) for the specific convention are assigned.

HIMAA Course Assessments and Examination Marking Guidelines for New Zealand Clinical Coders

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La Trobe University

La Trobe University

La Trobe University, Australia, offers a distance-education short course in Clinical Coding Auditing.

The course is designed to develop skills in auditing of coded data, analysing and reporting on audit outcomes, and developing strategies for dealing with these.

For further information about the course see La Trobe University – Clinical Coding Auditing