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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
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For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health professionals
COVID-19 information for specific sectors
COVID-19 information for specific sectors
Information and guidance on COVID-19 for affected sectors and groups.
Whatu Tāniko
COVID-19: Pharmacy
Information on medicine, supply and pharmacy licensing during COVID-19 response.
COVID-19: Primary care
Information to manage suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in primary care.
COVID-19: Aged care, disability and hospice providers
Information and guidance on COVID-19 for aged care, disability support and hospice care providers.
COVID-19: Support Workers
Guidance and information on reducing the impact and spread of COVID-19 for people employed to provide care and support to people living at home.
COVID-19: Family, whānau, and āiga carers
Information and advice for carers who support friends, family, whānau and āiga who are unwell or who have a chronic health condition or disability.
COVID-19: People with dementia at home
How families, whānau, carers and supporters of people with dementia mate wareware who are living at home can stay well when COVID-19 is surging.
COVID-19: Medical transfer (road and air)
Information on the requirements for medical transfers carried out by air and by road.
COVID-19: Maternity
Information for the maternity services sector.
Also in this section
COVID-19: Information for health professionals
COVID-19 information for specific sectors
Case definition and clinical testing guidelines for COVID-19
Work with us: integrating with the Ministry’s contact tracing APIs
Recording COVID-19
COVID-19: Surveillance strategy
Resources and tools