The Health Workforce Directorate allocates $185 million annually to post-entry training of the health and disability workforce. 

Nurse Entry to Practice (NETP)

The NETP programme provides funding for new nursing graduates in their first year of practice. The expected outcome of participating in the programme is that trainees meet the criteria to achieve competency Level Two on the Professional Development and Recognition Programme. In the 2016 academic year, 1135 NETP trainees were supported across all 20 DHBs.

Postgraduate nursing training

We invested in postgraduate training for 2459 nurses and 20 nurse practitioners in 2016. This investment will also support some registered nurses to qualify as prescribers.

Midwifery First Year of Practice (MFYP)

The MFYP programme is a fully funded national programme aimed at providing a framework of support for newly graduated midwives during their first year of practice. MFYP was introduced in response to identified workforce issues, such as support for new midwives, quality assurance in clinical practice and recruitment and retention of new midwives. In 2016, 125 midwives were supported through contracts with New Zealand College of Midwives.

Post Graduate Year 1 and Year 2 Medical Vocational Training (PGY1 and PGY2)

This is the first 2 years of training for RMOs (Resident Medical Officers) after the completion of training at Medical School. After PGY1 the RMOs gain general registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand. In the 2016 academic year, a total of 437 PGY1 and 376 PGY2 trainees were supported through contracts with 20 DHBs.

General Practice Education Programme (GPEP)

GPEP provides pathways to a specialist career as a general practitioner. In the 2016 academic year we funded 187 eligible registrars in the first year of the programme. GPEP includes an intensive first year of training in general practice settings and subsequent years of supervised practice and additional learning.

Hauora Māori

The Hauora Māori training fund supports the non-regulated Māori workforce to develop formal competencies in their current roles, and develop their potential to move into other health sector roles. Funding covers tuition fees and backfill, travel and accommodation, and course related costs. HWNZ has contracts with 19 DHBs for 2017.