These guidelines were published in 2019 and are awaiting review, due 2022. Some content may be outdated.

Normal third-trimester scan report


  • Compare growth with previous scans, if available.
  • Note that this is a non-customised growth estimate and recommend customised growth charts.




[ ]

EDD by earliest ultrasound at [ ] weeks: [ ]
Gestational age: [ ] weeks, [ ] days, ± [ ] days.

Growth scan:
Fetal measurements:
BPD [ ] mm
HC [ ] mm
AC [ ] mm
FL [ ] mm.

EFW = [ ] g, ± 15 percent. EFW lies on the [ ]th centile.

Fetal movements visible
Presentation: [cephalic/breech, spine right/left]
Amniotic fluid: normal, AFI [ ] cm
Placenta: [anterior], [not low lying].


Fetal anatomy not assessed in detail. Normal fetal cerebral ventricles, stomach, 4Ch heart, kidneys, bladder.




EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid.


Report conclusions


Normal initial growth scan


EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid.


Normal serial growth scan


Satisfactory interval growth. EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid.


Normal serial growth scan with clinical indication for Doppler


Satisfactory interval growth. EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid and [umbilical artery, etc] Doppler.


Increased interval growth


There has been an increase in interval growth from the previous scan at [ ] weeks, [ ] days, predominantly based on [AC, etc]. EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid.


Reduced interval growth


There has been a decline in interval growth, predominantly based on [AC, etc]. EFW lies on the [ ] centile. Normal amniotic fluid and [umbilical artery, etc] Doppler.


Amniotic fluid and Doppler interval scan


Normal [AFI / deepest vertical pocket (DVP)] and Doppler. Measurements have not been repeated today as the last scan was less than 2 weeks ago.


Placental location follow-up


The placenta is no longer low lying.


The placenta remains low lying, [ ] mm from the internal cervical os. A further scan is recommended at [ ] weeks (if appropriate).


Doppler requested by referrer but not indicated


As there are no clinical risk factors for SGA indicated and fetal growth is normal with no other adverse features, Doppler assessment has not been performed (as per the New Zealand Obstetric Doppler Guideline).


Post-dates Doppler


Normal Doppler post-dates may be falsely reassuring. Clinical assessment is required.


Customised growth chart recommendation


This should be added to all growth scan reports.


Growth measurements in this report are plotted on population-based growth charts. It is recommended that EFW be plotted on a customised chart (eg, GROW).


If the EFW is below the 10th centile on the customised chart, please refer for urgent Doppler assessment.


Pain in third trimester


No obstetric cause for pain seen. If symptoms persist, GP referral is recommended.


Isolated muscular VSD


Isolated muscular VSD 1–2 mm requires neonatal review. Postnatal echo will be arranged if a murmur is heard on auscultation.


Isolated muscular VSD >2 mm requires neonatal review and postnatal echo.