About this item

Issue date:
1 December 2011
Corporate Author:
Manatū Hauora - Ministry of Health,
Document date:
1 December 2011
Hospitals and specialist care,
Copyright status:

Copyright Held by Non-Crown Party

978-0-478-40287-2 (online)


This Business Process Standard, and its associated Data Definition document, is intended to ensure that minimum agreed palliative care data is collected and stored in a consistent manner wherever it is collected and stored.

The standard provides context for the data definition standard and describes the business processes involved in the collection and storage of palliative care data.

The National Specialist Palliative Care Data standards principally concern themselves with the technical business of collecting and messaging core palliative care data, however it is important that they recognise the principles of He Korowai Oranga – the Māori Health Strategy. The overall aim of He Korowai Oranga is Whānau Ora: Māori families are supported to achieve their maximum health and wellbeing. The standards in this suite are permissive of current, emerging and future models of care and do not lock the palliative care sector into predetermined models of care.

The specialist palliative care community in New Zealand has identified the need for nationally endorsed data standards to provide a basis of a common language for discussions between stakeholders and for understanding palliative care in New Zealand.

In June 2013, the status of these standards was changed from ‘interim’ to ‘full’.

This document reports on feedback received on a draft of the development of HISO 10094:2022 Māori Descent and Iwi Affiliation Data Protocols that was placed out for public comment late in 2021. 

An evaluation panel, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Health, Stats NZ, Data Iwi Leaders Group, Interim Māori Health Authority and Interim Health New Zealand reviewed all comments received. The panel observed that the new standard had a good overall level of support and there were no comments expressing opposition to the protocols. Many comments offered constructive improvements to the draft, which were incorporated into the document for publication.

The document also identifies questions that were beyond the scope of the protocols but related directly to implementation. These will inform future developments to the protocols.