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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
Corporate information
Our health system
Organisational overview
Organisational overview
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora manages all health services, including hospital and specialist services, and primary and community care.
Whatu Tāniko
About Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is responsible for improving services and outcomes across the health system.
About the health reforms
In 2022, the 20 DHBs were disestablished and their functions were merged into Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora.
Changing the system
These reforms will give New Zealanders access to consistent quality care when they need it, to help people live longer in good health.
Frequently asked questions about the health reforms
Establishing Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Or is just the start line for change. It will take time, months or even years, to make the changes we need.
How our health system is changing / E panoni ana tō tātou hātepe hauora
Our new health system will be simpler and more coordinated, allowing for better and more consistent care.
Also in this section
Eligibility for publicly funded health services
Health targets and mental health and addiction targets
Health sector organisations
National Operating Model and Structure
Organisational overview
Strategic initiatives in health research and innovation
Sustainable and resilient
Te Pae Tata Interim New Zealand Health Plan 2022