The Transition Unit (TU), on behalf of the interim entities Health New Zealand and Māori Health Authority, has confirmed the long list of areas of interest where locality prototypes may be developed.
Over recent months the TU has gathered information from the sector and developed a set of parameters that will ensure as much insight as possible from the locality prototypes.
“These prototypes are intended to create a rich learning environment to inform the rollout of localities across the country,” Co-Director Localities, Helen Parker, said.
“We have taken a targeted approach to identifying a long list of localities which could be prototypes based on agreed parameters and criteria.
“The parameters were designed to ensure the mix of locality prototypes would cover a range of geographic and community profiles while also prioritising areas where the opportunity to impact on health outcomes is greatest.”
The TU has been in touch with the sector to confirm the long list, and the next steps.
“From here we will be working with the localities of interest to further develop the opportunity within each of these areas, with a view of having the first prototypes confirmed and established in the first quarter of 2022,” Helen said.
“It’s important to note that other areas in the country are continuing their work in developing a locality approach and we will be working with them throughout the phased rollout of localities. Further localities will be confirmed and established as the approach extends across the motu.”
The long list of areas that the TU is working with on locality prototypes, on behalf of interim Health New Zealand and the interim Māori Health Authority, is:
- Northland
- Counties Manukau
- Waikato
- Lakes
- Bay of Plenty
- Tairāwhiti
- Hawke’s Bay
- Whanganui
- Mid Central
- Capital and Coast
- West Coast
- Canterbury
- Southern