Over the last six weeks the Health Reform Transition Unit has been out around the motu visiting towns and cities to talk about the transformation of the health system.
So far, as at 3 December, the Transition Unit has held sessions for the health sector in 17 different locations. More than 3,000 people have joined in on the sessions so far, which Health Reform Transition Unit Director Stephen McKernan said was a great result.
“The health workforce is under pressure responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and we appreciate it is a big ask for them to take time out of their day to learn more about the health reform,” Stephen said.
“Our focus remains on ensuring as minimal disruption as possible as we transition to the new system in 2022.”
The roadshows have focused on the key elements that will change with the new system, including establishing the Māori Health Authority and Health New Zealand, which will be an amalgamation of the 20 District Health Boards.
The new system also introduces a local approach to planning and commissioning health services based on “localities”.
“Localities will be a unique feature of the new health system,” Stephen said.
“We’re hearing how the those working in primary and community care settings are looking forward to the opportunity to do things differently at a local level, including integration across service providers and stronger relationships with Iwi and hapu through the Iwi Māori Partnership Boards.”
Roadshow sessions will continue in a number of North Island locations over the next two weeks.