Dame Dr Karen Poutasi - Chair

Dame Dr Karen Poutasi is medically-qualified with a specialisation in public health and has significant governance and leadership experience in the health and education sectors.  Her executive positions have included Director- General of Health and Chief Executive of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Her governance roles have included Network for Learning, Commissioner for Waikato District Health Board, and she is also Chair of Taumata Arowai and Kāpuhipuhi Wellington Uni Professional.

Naomi Ferguson

Naomi is a highly accomplished leader with significant experience in both governance and executive roles. Most recently she served as Commissioner and Chief Executive of Inland Revenue successfully delivering the Business Transformation Programme. Naomi is a strong champion of diversity and inclusion and led this work across the Public Sector as co-chair of Papa Pounamu. Naomi is also currently Chair of Education Payroll Ltd.

Hon Amy Adams

Amy is a lawyer by profession having been a partner in her firm specialising in commercial and property law before entering Parliament in 2008 where she served for 12 years. Amy’s ministerial portfolios included being Minister for Justice and Courts, Social Investment, Communications and Information Technology, Environment, Internal Affairs and Associate Finance minister. She also serves as Chancellor of the University of Canterbury.

Dr Jeff Lowe

Dr Jeff Lowe trained in Otago and graduated in 1984, before working at Karori Medical Centre as a registrar and locum and then becoming a partner.  He is a trainer in general practice and has a role teaching general practice to doctors training in this speciality. Dr Lowe is currently chair of General Practice New Zealand. He is a board member of Cosine Primary Care Network, the Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa; and Collaborative Aotearoa. He also worked on Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand’s Planned Care Taskforce and COVID-19 Health System Preparedness group. 

Ms Tipa Mahuta (Waikato, Maniapoto, Ngāpuhi)

Ms Mahuta is currently the Chair of the Taumata Arowai Māori Advisory Group, a councillor with the Waikato Regional Council, co-chair of the Waikato River Authority and Board member with the Te Kotahi Research Centre.  

“My marae established the first marae-based health clinic in the 1980s as a model of care for our whānau and to increase access to hauora services. Waikato has had to employ our own responses since Raupatu where landlessness, poverty and epidemics have caused us to create our own strategies for survival like other whānau and communities around the motu.” Ms Tipa Mahuta 

Ms Vanessa Stoddart

Vanessa is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Directors, a chartered fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Directors, Honorary Fellow of HRINZ and Companion of Engineering NZ. Previous government appointments include having been a member of the Better Public Services Advisory Group, DOC Audit and Risk Committee, Defence Employer Support Council, Chair of MBIE’s Audit and Risk Committee and Tertiary Education Commission. Vanessa is currently a member of the Financial Markets Authority and holds other board appointments for a range of companies, not for profits and charitable organisations. Prior to her governance career Vanessa held legal, change management and senior executive transformation roles for Air New Zealand and Carter Holt Harvey. Vanessa is passionate about diversity and inclusion having previously chaired Global Women. 

Dr Curtis Walker (Te Whakatōhea rāua ko Ngāti Porou)

Dr Curtis Walker is the current chair of the Medical Council, and has extensive experience in governance, clinical leadership and public policy and works in Palmerston North Hospital as a Kidney Specialist. 

“We cannot underestimate the importance of the opportunity to reform our public health system into a more cohesive and effective whole, where health outcomes are equitable for all. It is a privilege to serve Aotearoa New Zealand on the Board and a privilege to continue to serve patients as a practising doctor.” Dr Curtis Walker