About this item

Issue date:
13 June 2023
Corporate Author:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora,
Strategies and plans,
Children and young people, Diseases and conditions, Māori health, Pacific health,

The Rheumatic Fever Roadmap (Roadmap) has been developed to reset, renew and amplify efforts in Aotearoa New Zealand to tackle rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.

The vision for the Roadmap is Pae Ora (healthy futures) for tamariki and rangatahi by preventing rheumatic fever and ensuring those with rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease and their whānau are supported to live well.

The Roadmap brings together those involved in rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease prevention and management in Aotearoa New Zealand and focuses activities and priorities into a coherent plan. Māori and Pacific patient and whānau voice are central to the Roadmap and have informed the development of the three focus areas.