About this item

Issue date:
20 November 2018
Document date:
20 November 2018
Diseases and conditions
Copyright status:

Copyright Held by Non-Crown Party

Download: New Zealand Cardiac Surgery National Report 2018 - PDF, 14 MB

New Zealand Cardiac Surgery National Report 2018


The fourth national annual report of cardiac surgical services in New Zealand. 


The report describes demographics, risk factors and outcomes of patients undergoing cardiac surgery during the 2018 cardiac calendar year.


It is a collaborative project undertaken by all 5 hospitals performing publicly funded cardiac surgery in New Zealand.


The report has been collated by the registry governance group in conjunction with the New Zealand Cardiac Surgery Clinical Network. 


The registry captures 100% of patients having publicly funded surgery in New Zealand and is contributed to by all vocationally registered cardiothoracic surgeons in New Zealand.


The 2018 report presents an overview of patients having cardiac surgery in public hospitals in New Zealand between 1 January and 31 December 2018. 


The report gives an overview of all patients having surgery and covers isolated CABG and isolated AVR in depth with detailed patient characteristics and outcomes, the two procedures accounting for 60.5% of all patients having cardiac surgery in New Zealand.


The 2018 report has begun to identify some of the more important patient characteristics and the impact they may have on post-operative outcomes. 


The report considers the effects of age, sex, ethnicity, obesity, smoking and diabetes on intervention rates and post-operative outcomes..