About this item

Issue date:
2 September 2011
Corporate Author:
Manatū Hauora - Ministry of Health
Document date:
2 September 2011
Diseases and conditions
Copyright status:

Copyright Held by Non-Crown Party



On 3 October 2011, laboratories in New Zealand and internationally changed the way HbA1c results are reported.

The change makes it much easier to compare HbA1c results from different laboratories and research trials around the world

What is the new HbA1c?


The measurement is in millimoles per mole (mmol/mol) instead of a percentage (%).

Please note that while the results of the units are different, the test stays the same.

Resources for people with diabetes


Use the right-hand links to access resources to help you better understand your new HbA1c number.

The resources are:


  • a wallet card – HP5405
  • a factsheet – HP5406.


Also included is the HbA1c laboratory data formal change notification letter.

Ordering information


These resources can be ordered in hard copy.


Please note that 100 copies of the wallet cards and factsheets are sent for each single order. Please specify which item you are requesting.


Further information can be found on the Ordering printed publications page.