About this item

Issue date:
10 March 2023
Corporate Author:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora,
Data set,
Health system,

Emergency Department Performance Data

The below data shows Emergency Department wait times up to the end of December 2022.


We have taken the prudent step of removing data on other performance measures to check its accuracy. This information will be uploaded as soon as possible


Please note: All performance data provides a snapshot in time and there will be variances depending on when data is uploaded on any given day.


Shorter Stays in ED Performance Measure Jan Dec 2022 10 Mar (XLSX, 30kb)



Note this data will be different to the ‘Shorter Stays in ED’ (SSED) results submitted by local areas (former DHB areas) as part of the non-financial quarterly reporting responses. The previous data source for this Emergency Department (ED) measure was discontinued from 1 July 2022. Data for this ED measure is now sourced from the National Non-Admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) National Collection dataset. The same definition has been applied to both data sources, however caution should be used when comparing different published data sources.


Historical SSED (Shorter Stays in ED) Target data is still available via this link, on the Manatu Hauora website. Data showing national and district results for each quarter is provided in a flat file format, presenting the national target goal and district results alphabetically.


Prior to 1 July 2022, the Ministry of Health | Manatu Hauora was drawing on the ED template data and NNPAC ED data depending on the nature of the question, and they are used interchangeably as required, and caveated accordingly.


Further comment on differences between data sources

Results prior to 1 July 2022 are sourced from data provided by DHBs to the Ministry of Health from a template. The Shorter Stays in ED (SSED) performance measure (SS10) was part of the former DHB non-financial monitoring framework. For this measure, DHBs were required to fill in a template with ED volumes at the facilities in their DHB each quarter. DHBs sourced these numbers from their respective patient data systems. The methodology for counting SSED volumes is stated in the SS10 guidance document.


DHB non-financial monitoring framework no longer exists, and DHBs/districts are no longer required to complete a SS10 template as part of this quarterly process.


For data from the 1 July 2022 period, we have applied the same definition as stated in the SS10 guidance to the ED data in National Collections. This is a different data source, therefore SSED results from National Collections are not directly comparable to the SSED results received via the SS10 templates.