About this item

Issue date:
2 October 2012
Document date:
2 October 2012
Diseases and conditions
Copyright status:

Copyright Held by Non-Crown Party


The NZ Guidelines Group completed a rapidE process as part of their contract with the Ministry of Health to produce evidence-based guidance for the health sector focusing on implementation.


The rapidE process looked at the available evidence on the effectiveness of health behaviour change interventions for people with long-term conditions.


The rapidE process produced a suite of documents.

RapidE: Chronic Care: A systematic review of the literature on health behaviour change for chronic care

This review identifies, appraises and summarises the most effective evidence-based theories and programmes of health behaviour change for individuals with the following chronic diseases: diabetes, chronic obstructive airways disease, asthma, stroke and hypertension.



Supplementary material


Health Literacy Interventions: A brief summary

This report provides a brief summary of the main messages from recent health literacy systematic reviews that have a focus on the impact of health literacy interventions for adults with chronic disease/illness.


The reviews summarised in this report focus specifically on interventions that aim to increase individual’s knowledge and understanding of chronic disease/diseases of interest and its effective management.