Brief description

The Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) is New Zealand’s national register for vaccination activity. The AIR enables immunisation healthcare providers to access immunisation health records and make better decisions about whether a person should or shouldn't receive a vaccination.


The AIR helps manage public health risks by providing an accurate set of vaccination data. Healthcare workers can see which vaccines people in their community have had and whether people are due for an immunisation. 

The Immunisation API enables recording immunisations for health consumers, viewing their historical vaccinations and upcoming immunisation planned events as defined by the National Immunisation Schedule. 

The AIR API provides the ability to:

  • request a person's immunisation history according to their NHI
  • request detailed information about an immunisation event
  • add a new immunisation event to a person's record
  • update an existing immunisation event
  • create and update a bulk number of immunisations events.

Accessible data

The AIR API holds the following information:

  • READ immunisation: retrieves the latest version details of an immunisation event using a known immunisation event ID including health consumer NHI number, name, and demographics, the observation and vaccine codes, the status and date of the vaccination, and details of the vaccinator who administered it.
  • CREATE immunisation: create a new immunisation event for a specific health consumer's NHI
  • UPDATE immunisation: update an existing immunisation event using a known immunisation ID
  • BULKUPDATE immunisation: allows health software providers to submit multiple create and update immunisation events in one request.

Who can use this API

The AIR API is intended for use by clinicians and administrators.

Use cases


Onboarding and implementation

To begin the onboarding process for this API, please visit the consumer onboarding page.

For information on integrating, view the implementation guide.

API types


All FHIR API endpoints adhere to Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources (FHIR) interoperability standards and follow REST protocols.