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INVITATION - Flu immunisation webinar - Māori and Pacific
The National flu campaign aims to drive early vaccination amongst priority groups through increasing awareness and building on community outreach efforts.
A series of online hui is being held for the wider health sector, to support the rollout of the flu vaccination campaign, with a dedicated hui to discuss priority groups.
The hui will cover the clinical rationale for each eligibility group, tips on communicating effectively with this group, an overview of the support resources available, advice on concomitant vaccinations, and the opportunity to ask questions.
The first in this series is focused on Māori and Pacific communities. These webinars are open to all kaimahi – vaccinators, administrators, kaiāwhina and clinicians. Please see below the dates for the remaining hui and what they cover.
We warmly invite you to this webinar which is being held from 12.15 to 1.15pm on Tuesday 26 March 2024.
Please copy and paste the following hui details into your diaries if you are attending:
Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024
Time: 12.15 to 1.15pm
Meeting link: Join the meeting now
We welcome your questions and feedback. You'll have the opportunity to post questions ahead of the hui by emailing them to immunisation@health.govt.nz by midday Monday 25 March 2024. Alternatively, you can post your questions in the chat during the Webinar.
We hope you can join us, but if you can’t we will share a link to the recording of the hui in our next Pānui and it will also be available in our Dropbox.
Please share this invitation with anyone who may be interested in attending.
We look forward to seeing you online.
Save these dates for the remaining flu webinar hui
· Tuesday, 9 April – Pregnancy
· Tuesday, 23 April – Pēpi and Tamariki
· Tuesday, 7 May – Mental Health and Addiction
· Tuesday, 21 May – 65 and over
Our regular reminders on collateral
Dropbox downloadable collateral
Dropbox downloadable collateral
Don’t forget all our immunisation collateral is available on Dropbox for health care providers to use when promoting vaccinations. Please feel free to share this link and the collateral widely with your other healthcare colleagues: Dropbox – National Immunisation Programme – vaccine resources.
Collateral in HealthEd
Collateral in HealthEd
Immunisation resources are also available from HealthEd. We have added some of our immunisation collateral to HealthEd under the vaccinations and immunisations topic. You can now download the resource PDF directly from the HealthEd website, and printed copies of some resources are available to order through Bluestar. If you don’t already have a Bluestar login account, please see below on how to sign up.
Collateral in Bluestar
Collateral in Bluestar
Printed copies of some resources can be ordered for free via the Bluestar portal. If you’re not already registered, you can register on the Bluestar portal. Below the login details, select ‘Need to Register?’. Complete the online registration form, include your clinic/practice/pharmacy name and your contact details. You will receive an email confirming your registration. Remember to click the button in the email to 'Activate' your registration.
Where can I get more information?
We're here to help! If there is anything we can do to help with your vaccination promotion activity, or if you need any comms assistance please reach out to the team:
Health sector Comms and Engagement
Māori and Pacific Comms and Engagement
Media issues
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