Ideally a statement will:
- communicate the key elements of a system view of health literacy
- provide definitions and goals that will guide the review
- set out the rationale for becoming a health-literate organisation.
It is important that the statement reflects an organisational perspective on health literacy, positioning health literacy as a systemic and service commitment, rather than as an issue of consumer skill deficit.
Example health literacy statements
Example 1: Health literacy statement with a service quality focus
At ABC Healthcare we are committed to providing health-literate services to our community and building health literacy with our consumers, in order to improve health outcomes.
Example 2: Health literacy statement with an organisational focus
At DEF Healthcare, we are committed to:
- understanding health literacy as a system issue in our organisation
- reviewing our services from a health literacy perspective
- understanding and reducing the health literacy demands our organisation places on our consumers
- integrating health literacy into our systems and procedures
- providing health literacy training for our staff.
Example 3: Health literacy statement with an organisational focus
GHI Healthcare is committed to being a health-literate organisation.
This means our policies, processes, services and teams will be focused on providing health care and information that meet the health literacy needs of our consumers and families.
Example 4: Health literacy statement with a service delivery focus
At JKL Healthcare we will use health literacy approaches when working with consumers and families.