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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
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Waharua Kōpito
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Maternal health
National Breastfeeding Strategy for New Zealand Aotearoa | Rautaki Whakamana Whāngote
Further reading
The case for breastfeeding I Tūāhua mō te Whāngote
The case for breastfeeding I Tūāhua mō te Whāngote
Information on the benefits of breastfeeding in reducing illness and improving health, reduction in health costs, and societal and environmental
Whatu Tāniko
Reduction in illness and improved health
Information on the benefits of breastfeeding in reduced illness and improved health.
Reduction in health costs
Information on the benefits of breastfeeding in reduced health costs.
Societal and environmental benefits
Information on the benefits of breastfeeding for society and the environment.
Also in this section
The case for breastfeeding I Tūāhua mō te Whāngote
Breastfeeding in New Zealand I Whāngote ki Aotearoa
Breastfeeding in indigenous communities I Whāngote ki ngā iwi taketake o te ao
Breastfeeding in the international context I Whāngote ki tāwāhi
Health promotion I Whakatairanga hauora
Breastfeeding support services I Ratonga tautoko whāngote
Structural influences and barriers I Awenga ā-pūnaha, taero ā-pūnaha
Breastfeeding policy and legislation in New Zealand I Herenga me ngā ture whāngote i Aotearoa
Supporting breastfeeding in cases of child protection and removal of children from parents into whānau or non-kin care Hāpaingia te whāngote
Breastfeeding in emergencies I Whāngotea i ngā wā ohotata