or just get rid of that um kto it's wonderful to have you join us here today
and I would like to start by thanking Abigail and memo even though he's not here um for co-hosting this webinar for
us um I just want to say Abigail it's been great to work with you MMO to try and roll out this International
recruitment pilot and as a team we've really appreciated your support so I'll
just introduce myself I'm Liz Boucher um I'm the um current Project Lead um on
this internet naal recruitment pilot um and we also have a project manager Mary
who unfortunately was unable to make it today um we have Janine who's one of our recruitment consultants and Zoe who's
part of our health immigration service um so today um it's the
opportunity for you to hear about how you can get support from Tata AA to help
you recruit health workers from overseas um so just over a year ago tat
Ora set up the international recruitment center and the initial purpose of this was to recruit from overseas just to
grow to F Ora Health Workforce but it was always the intention to expand and
offer services to the rest of the health system so today we're just here to talk
about the services that we can offer the mental health and addictions um sector
um it doesn't International recruitment doesn't take away from our need to train
and grow our own domestic Health work of course but that obviously takes time and
so with International recruitment we can try and fill gaps in the short to medium
whilst we grow our own domestic um pipelines of healthcare workers so
within the international recruitment center we do have a dedicated Health immigration service and this helps guide
people through with viser applications provides other immigration information
the center also has dedicated recruitment specialist lists and we also have a candidate karchy Team all of
these um supports are available now um for you as vote Health funded Community
providers and there's also the additional help of the project team as well and we do try to offer a personal
approach for the candidate so we try and talk you know moving to New Zealand's a big thing I've done it myself as you can
probably hear from the accent so we do talk people through about the logistical information and we try and give them um
information about um different regions and areas so they get a good idea of where they might want to live if they've
not visited New Zealand before and try and tease a little bit out the type of Health settings that they're interested
at working in so as I've already said I'm pleased to welcome Janine um who's going to talk
about what the team are doing within the international recruitment center after Janine spoken we're here from Zoe who's
one of our licensed immigration advisor from the health immigration service but I'll just talk a little bit
about what the international recruitment services are that we can offer you for
free so many of the services that we have offered if you can just go back one
slide Kim sorry um we can offer you um we're still developing the processes um
to fit um the sector outside of tat Ora because we know the needs can be a
little bit different and which is where we might need your help on that so one of the first things we've got to help
recruit internationally is the attraction of candidates so we've got a couple of ways that we're we're doing
that currently so we are offering free international job listings on the Kiwi Health jobs board which is our
International Job board for health professionals I know there was a cost Associated it with it in the past and
the kiwe health jobs platform is supported by our website the somewhere different campaign where cand candidates
are driven by an ongoing International advertising campaign um within that somewhere
different page we are developing a dedicated mental health and addictions information page which will be tat AA
information but also about the NGO sector and we're also um starting an
international advertising campaign specifically for the mental health and addictions Workforce we've tried to make
it easier on the key Health jobs board for people overseas to grounds for jobs um within the somewhere different
landing page we've also got information about New Zealand um about settlement um
and other information to help make that move for them as smooth as possible um as I've alluded to before
there is assistance with immigration needs bya our health immigration service and we have a team of licensed
immigration advisors and Zary will talk a little bit more in detail about um
what advice she can access and what services their team can offer um we are we do have um well we
did have a dedicated mental health and recruitment uh consultant which was Shannon um Shannon's actually had to go
back to her original role within Tata Aura and we are in the process of recruiting um somebody to replace here
um and shanon had a really key role um within the project team um she would connect directly with interested NOS
helped them get their vacancies listed onto the Kiwi Health job site she also assessed any potential candidates that
came through the campaign pages that expressed an expression of interest um
to come and work in New Zealand want to find out a little bit more um so we will have a recruitment consultant very
shortly to replace can Shannon to carry on that work and um for you to reach out
for advice with recruitment from overseas and much candidates um to vacancies that we're aware of across the
sector as you know a lot of our health professionals need to gain registration or membership to some standard setting
bodies um so we do have um a candidate karchy team that can help direct them
through the registration process and the candidate karchy team are also the first
point of contact when a candidate has um registered through our um somewhere
different landing page and there have that little talk to them they're the ones that actually have the chat to them
about you know what what's their lifestyle so we can try and work out where the best region in New Zealand is
to be able to place them so because we want them to stay we want the candidates to be happy um we also offer um cultural
competency training VI our somewhere different landing page as well so candidates can get a little bit of a
feel as to what the health system and the C bicultural and cultural training
is um in New Zealand because we we know we are unique and we have a very diverse
culture in New Zealand so it's quite important that we try and get those International candidates gaining that
skills and knowledge before they get here um so just go to the next slide
thank you Kim so I know this might be a bit small for you to read but we will be sharing
this slide pack out so you can have a little bit more in detail but this is just to sort of outline how we can help
you initially recruit from overseas so um if you're not yet accredited to um
recruit International candidates obviously we've got support from the health immigration service and Zoe will
talk about that shortly but if you are already um accredited with immigration New Zealand
and you've got a vacancy um if you can email the project team at our shared inbox which is quite lengthy but
hopefully you only have to type it in once International recruitment pilot at health. . gt. NZ and just a quick
outline or brief outline of what requirements you have we'll talk to you about your
vacancy and we'll send your details onto our thirdparty supplier that loads the jobs for us which is neon logic um at
this point we will send you a memorandum of understanding to sign um just we try
to keep it really simple and I'll just explain a little bit later on after zo spoken just about why we need um that's
signed um for you to work with us um once that's all done you'll get a job
booking form to complete um just with the details about the vacancy what you're looking for and with a position
description and if you can send your logo as well they'll um upload that onto the Kiwi Health job site um once they've
received all that they'll then post the ad for you and I think the standard is 30
days um you may receive um responses directly from candidates that have applied through the Kiwi Health job site
um but we may receive a candidates through the expression of interest in which case our recruiter can then
forward suitable candidates for you for consideration um as well to fill your
vacancy and as Shannon was doing previously and our new recruiter when
they come on board they'll be happy to support you to work through the applicants anything that you need but
and they're also there for advice if you need some if you've not got much experience recruiting from overseas
obviously you'll do the interview and the reference checks and the potential offer um what we ask once all that's
gone through we will send you and it's a really short less than five minute
outcome form and that's just so we can just hear a little bit about the process what you thought about it was the
candidate successful did you have enough candidates and if the candidate is unsuccessful if you could let us know so
then we can pop them back into a talent pool so other people with vacancies across the sector can maybe have them
for consideration as well as I said this will be sent out so you can have a bit
of a closer look and I'm going to hand over to Janine now to talk a little bit
about what the recruitment um Consultants do within the international Recruitment Center thank you Janine
thanks LZ hi everyone I'm Janine um I am well my my usual role is substantive
role is the recruitment manager or the talent acquisition manager at um Bay Plenty or Bay plenty um on a suc
comment um at this stage until March and I am a talent acquisition specialist for
um within the team so my portfolio is um Allied mainly Allied Health um but I
also am picking up the mental health side as well to assist until we find
someone to replace Shannon so I'm a little I'm still learning a lot about the um mental health um portfolio and
there's there's plenty in there so it's really exciting to be part of it so thanks for having me today um so yes so
working with the the IRC or the international recruitment center we're just trying to um
obviously they have we have the make a difference somewhere different campaign
the um people are putting through expressions of Interest so they can
either click to say yes I'm interested but um not ready yet or they may say yes
can to come out in the next four to six months um we will then go back to them well this is where the candidate Kaki
start first so they're the first point of contact so they will see the application come through they will see
if they've got a CV and and um if they haven't they'll go back and request to CV and just say hey welcome to um thanks
very much for your contact we'd like to engage further um can you please send
some more details from there they um with obviously with a CV they can then
have a really good look at if the candidates a viable candidate for want of a better word um and we can then do
what we call a phone screen so we'll go and have a convers the candidate will candidate K we um go and have a phone
conversation with them and that's more about understand understanding them so
where would they like to live you know what do they know about New Zealand what's interested them about New Zealand
why um why do they want to come out here what is there and then they'll start
sort of digging a little bit deeper into the special the specialities keeping in mind that the
candidate karchy are not specialists in every you know um
profession or every role that we've got coming through so it's it's a very broad
understanding of what that person's skill set may look like the CV is obviously going to be really helpful and
we try and drill down a little bit just to find out a little bit more about them you know they bringing their family over
if they got what are their interests outside work so the main purpose of the
candidate kak is to ensure that we try and do a really good match to the
district or to the NGO that we want to set them up with some of them don't want to work for a hospital environment they
want to work with an NGO which is fantastic so that you know we we ask all these questions first because it's if we
have a good understanding of them um we can ensure that they've got a a a
smoother Journey you know to relocate to New Zealand so once the candidate kaiak
have got all that information they then um send all that
through to us at the as the talent acquisition um specialist
and we then look at whether or not we would put it with an NGO if that's what
their preferred um area is to to work with or whether we put them with one of the districts within toat Ora so we look
we have more of a um connection with the districts and what they need um and um I
expect that's what shanon's head were the NOS in the past understanding what their needs are looking at you know we
we do depend on the Kiwi Health jobs website to see which NOS are advertising
and what skill set they're looking for what specialities they're looking for just to make sure that we we're doing
that best match you know we want everyone to sort of come out with a with a positive outcome at the end of the day
so the more information we can collect the better a job we can actually do with
matching so that's that part um so yes so so really that's probably the how it
all works it's pretty in a weird nutshell but it's and it works really
well um on the screen there you'll see that we've got in the actual mental
health rols we've had 16 within them make a difference somewhere different campaign they've been 65 um expressions
of interest in total we are still working through those um they've come through since Shannon's left so we're
still working through those but this is where we're at at the moment once they come through that initial camp pign we
then move them into the buet as we call them um of the mental health roles and then we go through so it's you know it's
not just nurses it's not just social workers it's the OTS as well that we we
um are looking at putting through to this side um yeah so that's and what I'd like
to know today is is to get a better understanding of how we do work with the NGS to make sure that we have you know
that we have the best um information we can to ensure we do that
best matchmaking scenario and that's me any
questions yes oh you're on mute
Frankie to my screen oh there are nightmare out there those microphones um so um I I have a couple
of questions um I think I'm probably sitting outside um what um um what
you're talking about because I'm an individual um and manage my um disabled
son's um funding um he has a large package and we've had um we've struggled
for a long time to find staff and there's a lot of people who actually um looking at what I'm currently doing
because um there's a huge shortage of support workers and in um um the process
of recruiting overseas I realized that everything that is currently being done
when you talk about AI health is feels like it's everyone but support workers
so interesting yeah you're talking about health or NOS but I think that um I
think I'm the only one individual um currently but there's going to be more
and we would like I would like to know and on behalf of other people you guys
are going to recruit support workers as well because the shortage is huge and
that's what we need to know so that's an excellent question and I don't have an answer straight away but obviously we
don't know what we don't know especially you know in that support worker space and um and what your needs are what your
expectations are um right down to salary ranges and that sort of thing and I know that immigration will go into that in a
minute when coming you know bringing people over they have to fit into the um
into the immigration criteria as well so I'd be really Keen to have a catch up
with you and just understand what your needs are and what the expectations of a
support worker would be and because sometimes you know it's it's very clearcut this is what they do but some
as some CVS come through or um and then the cover letters come through and they
say yes I've been doing this but I would really like to expand and to this area and so that's and that's what we have to
take into consideration and we want to take into consideration as well because if someone's passionate about what they
do we you know the right thing to do is to actually engage with them and actually go yep okay great let's look at
this sort of area but sometimes we have to bring them in on what their their main skill set is
before they can expand elsewhere so yeah Ian I'm actually quite um way in so we
accredited we have actually someone wow waiting someone to arrive she's waiting for her visa U to immigration to try to
push things through because we're desperate so we hope she's going to get her Vis this week um and um we're
advertising as well so we're actually quite aware that's amazing yeah oh great
yeah so I had another question um Shannon did put an Nord for us on
job um but because we're doing some intensive advertising ourselves um
mainly through social media I have no idea if the adverb that Shannon has posted has actually generated any
applications okay y was my second question how do I know that these
applications um are coming from um the yeah yeah yeah um I can find out for you
and I'll get that information to you Frankie yeah that's fine um has someone got your contact details and then I
can fantastic yeah cool perfect thank you I've nice to talk to you thank
you hi [Music] Sharon hi there hi um we're residents at
refugees of survivors New Zealand with mental health support services for um Refugee and Asylum Seekers yeah coming
into New Zealand with the New Zealand quota and other um our struggle is
always to get um Quality um clinicians
whether they be clinical psychologists counselors or psychotherapists um they
need to have specialist kind of understanding of and cultural competence
yeah they need to have that ability to um you know understand the refugee
Journey but not only that that can be trained but they you know we work with interpreters we work if we're not
working with lived exper well ultimately we're looking for lived experienced people from abroad yeah particularly in
some of the cohorts that we're working with whether it be Syria Iraq Iran you
know diary speaking whoever so um so it's always it's always a trick trying
to get um lived experienced people to do language MCH uh services and to give a
quality service which we really try to achieve um so there's so there's a
couple of things I want to ask you one was I'm not sure we are accredited and I need to look into that that's my bad I
don't think I've done that yet um so that's number one number two is given
the fact that um there is over a million people particularly with a huge presence
in Oakland Meer people with they be that from the ethnic communities whether they
be refugees or migrants um and given the fact that aura is uh probably stretched
with recruitment issues themselves what would be the chances of an NGO like ours
if we were involved in this of getting you know like a good quality uh clinician would we be would those you
know in terms of I mean it's probably the answer is probably of course not but would that be filtered off to to F Ora
first or would a a specialist organization like be
in great question Janine if you want me to jump in really quickly um just
because I've worked with Shannon quite a bit on this obviously and I don't think we haven't formally met but I'm sure we will while you're in Sharon um this is
obviously you know with this pilot this is I'm an NGO world so I'm you know Lobby for NGO Community Mental Health
induction Services strongly and um what I did with Sharon is you know we we sat down and we really worked through as
supp how the mental health and addiction system in New Zealand works and obviously you know like with working you
know with this pilot it's a great opportunity to build up the NGO and Community sector um and
toat or is really Keen to support that but what Shannon really Shannon and I really worked on is her understanding
what the real benefits are from working in the NGO and Community sector and so it was a really person
centered um process you know and I Shannon went out I sent her out sent her out that sounds really bad I didn't tell
her what to do I connected her with um quite a few mental health and addiction ngos based in Christ Church um she went
out she met them she really understood what the services were doing um you know ex so really as a person centered
process but I suppose we still are navigating um I suppose as a kind of
like Advisory Group because there is an Advisory Group sitting behind this um that involves both NOS myself sits on it
and but involves both Nos and tat Ora services and we do we are constantly having this conversation but I suppose
the reality is you know we we want a greater mental health and addiction Workforce and this is an opportunity to
grow the mental health and addiction NGO and Community sector so we're really driving towards that but I encourage if
you want to get involved with our Advisory Group Sharon I know you're really busy but um let me know um but I
hope that kind of answers your question a bit more but I do enourage you to get involved in the process because I think it is a really great opportunity to help
grow your Workforce and grow the NGO and Community Workforce as well does that
help Co I agree and it's yeah I think we have a common yeah we have a common goal
we just want the health system you know to be able to provide a really good Workforce into the health system in
whatever way we we need to do it and it's you know if if there are applying
the roles that you're advertising then obviously Tasha Ora is not going to take
them and go well actually we'd like them for us they are definitely going to go and it's and it is up to the individual
as well they might not like I said before they there's people that don't want to work in the hospital system they
would rather work out in the community and work for other other organizations and we're certainly going
to support them in that we're not going to say oh no look we really need you into fatura if that what they want to do
and the community goes yes please then that's where we'd rather put them we'd rather have them in the system and happy
than just going oh well no that's where that's where we want you to go so
there's there's a lot of you know little little things to think about on the
journey yeah and thank you Jan and just to add to that we um have been working with um Abigail and memo and we are
upskilling and educating all our candidate kitr ke and our
recruitment about working in the NGO sector that they can share that with candidates as they come through our
process so it's it we we're not working as an us and them we're working as a whole health system and it really we're
like we said before we're very focused on the candidate choice if the candidate has a choice and they're happy with
their choice with the information they've been given we're likely to retain one in the system
that was a great question any more questions for Janine before I pass over to um Zoe a licensed
immigration advisor y okay I'll hand over to you
Zoe hi everyone um I'll just quickly share my slides
here uh yeah let me know if it's showing okay great so thanks for joining
me today I'm going to quickly run you through the process of getting accredited employer work visa for
migrant workers and understand some of the organization have already obtained their accreditation and there are no
stranger to this process I'm just going to reemphasize on some key elements during this
step um so here outlines the employer um
and employee process for supporting a accredited employer work visa uh step
one is for the employer to obtain accreditation um for people who have previously experienced this type of
application you would understand there are multiple types of app um accreditation to apply for so if the NGS
have not obtained their accreditations yet and you need tailor advice please reach out so we can um sort of guide you
through this journey of identifying which accreditation you should go ahead with um once the accreditation
application has been approved in order for the employer to support the migrant worker for the role that's offered to
them we need to complete a job check application for the role that's specifically offered to the migrant
worker um there are a few key details involved for a job check application
especially for R that's currently outside of green list occupations including health care support workers I
will touch on those elements after um once the job check has been approved the
Employers in this case the um NGS would then send out the token to the migrant
worker through the online portal um for um job check um and this token would
include a link for the migrant worker to start their application this token is individually
customized before you send it out so make sure uh it's not sent out to the wrong candidate stes otherwise they
can't go ahead with the application once migrant workers receive
that token they will then carry out um the application process by providing required
documentation and if they are in need of immigration wise when they are facing a
complex situation for example a candidate could be over the age limit for straight to resident Visa yet Works
in a green list occupation there is a clear pathway without the um that's on
the age limit we may be able to assist them with a ministerial
request this type of request is not guaranteed to to be successful at least that opens a window of opportunity for
the migrant worker to check it out before they make the permanent move to New
Zealand the last step is after the migrant worker has start um their
employment in New Zealand within their first month of working there are certain settlement activities need to be carried
out with efforts from both employer and employees I've outlined certain key elements for this step as well because
it's part of the compliance issue that I is likely to audit on when you applying for a
renewal please note we also are holding a session with immigration New Zealand
on the 23rd of November and with a guest speaker from immigration New Zealand um
the immigration manager would explain details relating to the entire process
and potentially explain residency passway for house
workers I've outlined the fundamental requirements here for all employers when
they are going for accreditation despite of the applic the accreditation uh the
accreditation um type you're going for it has to be a genuine operation business or organization and you need to
prove that you have the ability or sign a commitment that you are going to complete the settlement support
activities for the migrant workers and you have to be compliant with specific immigration employment and business um
regulations this does not only apply to the time that's already um time that um
after the organization obtain the accreditation but including the time that previously if historically there
has been any uh immigration issue employment issue or business issue you need to alert us when we're providing
the advice when you are identifying the accreditation you can go ahead
with step two job check there are key elements where I've
noted down here the employer would need to be the direct employer of the
proposed employment if you are in a triangular employment um setting with your migrant
worker employees please make sure to flct with us before the accreditation is
applied for so before step one we need to know this this this is because triangular do have its individually
specific accreditation type with a completely different set of requirements and standards to be compliant with we
need to identify those needs and risk first second part for this uh
requirement for job check is to identify the employment meets requirement um for
a accredited employeer work visa to be awarded that work visa first of all the
salary needs to be at or above the median salary at the moment that is
$296 per an hour and it's about to change to $316 from February next year unless it
is an OCC occupation that is on the exemptions list so um as Frankie was
talking about before for support workers uh that is currently in the um
exemptions list with a slightly lower salary threshold the employment will have to be
identified and recognized as fulltime this fulltime is different from how we usually identify fulltime in the
recruitment practice um immigration New Zealand consider employment with a guaranteed of 30 hours or more each week
as fulltime this would means 0.8 F uh FTE um if the row is not in the green
list so for Rose that's not um in the current green list there would need to
be additional advertising requirements and AD evidence provided ACC company
with the job check application and as a accredited employer
with immigration New Zealand the employer needs to promise there's no passing on cost from any recruitment
compulsory training or equipment to the employee I have outlined the labor
market testing evidence here which can be a bit tricky when it when it compares to what we are currently listing in the
advertising the employer must provide the labor market testing evidence and that include
the job advertising for the RO the job advertising need to have certain wording
specified clear enough for the um applicants to identify without making a further request for certain information
those informations are the key tasks and responsibilities so practically the job
UH responsibilities need to be outlined within the advertising and the key terms and condition for the
employment including the salary range minimum and maximum rates if there are
specified in the um in the job description this number actually need to
be um listed in the advert in the advertising wording and if this significant portion
of the actual earning are not guaranteed so the estimate actual uh earning example must be provided based on the
peace rate and commission rate and what are the average bonuses in those
settings and the minimum guaranteed hours which is not hard to identify because um as I said earlier in the job
check page I do need to look at the hours each week to identify if it it's a
fulltime job the location of the work need to be specified as well this is because part
of the Visa condition would be issued with a location for the employment yes
we do pro uh flexible working occasionally for certain rows but still
there needs to be named a location of job which will usually be the main office
um okay let's go to the next step which is how long the advertising need to be
listed for and onwar um as Janine just outlined earlier we have the K house jobs um listing
right now available for members of the parot and that would fall into the uh
identification by other means this is more likely to attract um to suitable New Zealand
citizens or residence class workers because it is industry specified for Health Care
System the advertising need to be listed for at least 14 calendar days two weeks
and has to be closed before the job check is submitted the advertising
cannot be longer older than 90 days PR hour to the application is
made and we will also need to outline the recruitment outcome from the advertising including how many New
Zealand applicants have applied for and why they are not deemed suitable or if
they are deemed suitable for multiple role situation we need to explain those situation as
well next is the settlement support activities um just I I just need to
quickly remind everybody what I've listed here are only part of the responsibilities as a credited employer
there are other commitment you need to complete but these are the key changes so settlement support activities
including provide a SE uh a settlement information pack to the migrant worker
upon their arrival to New Zealand or sometimes before they even arrive to New Zealand this this would include the
accommodation options transport options um how they could access the uh Health
Care Service and relative uh relevant um training and qual ification information
that's specified to the industry or to the certain occupation and uh job and Industry hazards other than that there
are general information needed such as um c um cab advice where to get them and
also how to obtain the IID number the house immigration service tee
will be able to review this guide before you send it out to the employees however
we can't send it on your behalf because you one upon the time time of renewal if
you are being audited for compliance this information pack need to be sent out um from the
employer in addition um the employer would need to provide sufficient hours
for the time for the time that the accredited employer work visa holders to complete the employment New Zealand
online training module within the first month of their employment so just give
you a bit of a background of this online training module it outlines minimum pay outlines the uh employees rights and
their UH responsibilities and this would be a online training module consists of eight
different topics each topic takes five to 10 minutes to complete so it's not huge time investment when it comes to
completing these training however these would need to be completed um upon completing each of the
topic the employee would receive a certificate from the employment New Zealand website and part of the
compliance um in order to meet the later on compliance check I would encourage the organization to gather those
certificates together um so if I ler queries down the track um you would have
evidence enough to show um also the settlement support
activities which is not Lin here uh is the employer the hiring managers would
also need to complete the employer side of online module which consists of seven different topics taking roughly the same
amount of time for each topic so it's about a 1 hour and a half commitment and
this would need to be repeatedly completed at least once every time when the accreditation certificate is
renewed so hypothetically speaking if one NGO become accredited today as of
15th of November 2023 the hiring manager will need to complete it before 15th of
November 2024 and again in the next 12 months month
time a bit about of us house immigration service team is um a team of five
licensed immigration advisor with a group of coordinators assisting us and
uh we were launched in October 2022 similar the time of uh IRC um we are the first newand
government service of this kind and when we also work quite closely with immigration New Zealand if you ify
system or technical issues we are able to alert those with immigration New Zealand as well although there is a cur
a current employer Visa escalation line available um we provide immigration
advice and guidance um to both the NGO as well as the ngo's
candidates and you may ask how we can access your service um thank for uh Kim designing
this um flowchart for the team so so when you identify there are needs for either visa for the candidates or
immigration advice for the organization um you can contact us first
by contacting the pilot they will need to check if you have a signed um ml with
uh t or at the moment and then they will F down the details of the query and or contact details to our team we need then
need to complete a engagement letter to um provide the advice from a licensed
immigration advisor um um this is because licensed immigration advisors are regulated by immigration um
advisor Authority part of the uh compliance issue we would usually face is if we don't have an engagement letter
um signed with the organization external to um the employer it's going to be
quite tedious when it comes to compliance check later on and auditing purpose and we we would want to avoid
those uh issues later down the track we will provide um the detailed advice
that's tailored to your requirements and once the quiry has been assigned to a licensed immigration
advisor this advisor would be holding your hands through the entire quir
process before we could advise our NGO and candidates of the organization we
need the engagement letter between the NGO with house immigration service team
as I said before one the are having complex issues with their Visa application this would be the time for
us to step in and represent them for those applications or requests however
the threshold for meeting this complex case is quite high this is because of obviously we are only a team of five
advisers um we will also need a separate engagement letter between the house
immigration service team as well as the candidates the candidates would receive a written out um explanation for each of
the section before they enter into this engagement if they're unhappy with what we're offering obviously they can seek
support elsewhere and we will make sure to alert the employer um if that
actually happens to contact us uh through the pilot there's the um pilot email there we do also have our direct
com um contacts if you already signed the engagement letter with health immigration service team our contact
detail is pretty much the same as this one which is international recruitment center at house.gov doz now I'm open for
questions we're all clear yes Frankie um I have a question
with the wage exemption um for support workers I am aware that is the exemption
is until October 2024 is that going to change is that
exemption going going to be removed then or could we Bank on the fact that it's
continue going to continue to be an exempt we're unable to advise on that
because that at the moment is still under discussion okay yeah yeah um if there's
no further updates we would usually um send out a um like reminder to the uh
clients existing clients and also in this case pilot members that the wage
exemption is about to be closed but if we have received an update suggesting it's going to be continuing there will
be ongoing communication on those topic as well it's extremely difficult because we get funding at a certain
rate from um various Ministries you know
the P Equity the P Equity rate um yeah
yeah understanding information for us to know if we can continue to offer a
little bit less or if we have to go up yeah it's one of the key topics that t
or also keep an eye on as well because obviously needs is the same in the labor market um so what we usually do with the
house immigration service team uh we have this um a newsletter going out uh
to district and uh International recruitment center also have newslet out
um if I'm not wrong I think it's monthly um going out to the candidates and Al
sorry not to the C to the districts and I'm assuming that for the pilot members we would um extend our uh newsletter as
worries Zoe could I ask yes um you mentioned earlier about training that
employers need to undertake to become an accredited employer I think you said
there were seven modules of training that that's right and and I think you
said it took an hour to an hour and a half or something was that for each of
the seven modules or for the seven all together seven all together
yeah so can I ask on that you yeah because everything this was so much
informative it is very so um with that module did you say you had one
month after gaining accreditation because I haven't done that and we
became accredited I think in July or August August sorry the one month time
frame is for the employees when upon the um starting their employment in New
Zealand they have one month to complete their side of online modu employers do not actually have a time frame of within
a certain month you need to complete it but within the first year of each time you're holding a accreditor certificate
you need to complete it once and how do I access that how do I know where it
is oh okay uh what I could do is I actually have your email I'm going to send you that link then yeah it's a very
straightforward one if you have completed accreditation then you have a real me login which then you can use for
the employer um employment New Zealand uh online module okay thank you I've got
a question if the um person employe doesn't complete the modules within a month then where are we at as an
employer as the employer so long as you have provided evidence that you have provideed them with time and a reminder
that you need to complete it that's part of your obligation and that's done if
they are unable to completed within the time that part of responsibility falls on themselves because that's part of
their visa condition too yeah but then it may be that their
visa is canceled no their visa won't be canceled on this ground so what's the outcome the outcome would only be at the
time of auditing if we have obviously provided enough evidence and we send reminder provided time for the employee
to complete it the employee may receive a written warning from immigration New Zealand but that is not going to lead to
their visa cancellation just a reminder that's part of their responsibility to complete
worries um any more questions for Zary thank you Zary that was um really informative I learned some new stuff in
there okay so if you can if Kim if you can just share screen again that'd be
great okay so we are nearing the end so I did touch a little bit on the memorandum of
understanding um that we will request anybody wanting to access our services
to sign it will be signed onto F Ora side it will also be signed on um the
participating NGO side as well this is something we've tried to get out of but unfortunately we can't and there's a
number of reasons why um firstly because the pilot involves both of us
potentially sharing candidate private information during the recruitment process uh the mou just outlines the
protection of the candidates privacy um also as well because we're sharing
services and this is a pilot so we need to measure the success of the pilot to
inform us for when we want to roll out across the rest of the health and disability system um there is just a
little clause in there about just providing us with outcomes feedback and like I said at the beginning of the
um at the beginning of this hooie it is literally a five minute less than five
minute um Ms survey form um we want to keep it as short as possible but we want
the valuable information as well and that will help us inform as to whether we need to change processes and things
like that so it helps us form um the recruitment processes outside of the but
Aura um it also outlined The Guiding principles that we follow within the international recruitment center about
ethical recruitment of healthcare workers I.E we don't actively um
advertise or Target countries that are at risk from the um world World Health
Organization um register that they've got I think there's about 75 countries that it's ethically um not approved to
recruit from so that's just really what the mou is about it is quite short we've
made it that there isn't a lot of Legally e in there as well it has been requested by our legal team with interat
AA um so that will just be the first part when you engage with us we will ask you to um sign the mou and return it to
us and so we're just nearly there I'll just talk about what we've got upcoming
from the project team um so as Zori um
said within her presentation we do have an a joint webinar with our health
immigration service team and immigration New Zealand about accreditation that's
next Thursday um 11: a.m. um and that's really aimed at people that are not yet
accredited though if people are accredited and just want to know a little bit more about what slight changes there have been welcome to come
um we're also pulling together a co-design workshop for those of you that
would like to join us about ref finding our processes to so they're fit for
purpose across the sector outside of the fut AA um our contact details again
which is our rather long email but hopefully you only have to type it in once and then it will recognize it for future um so if you would like to take
part in the immigration New Zealand webinar next week um or would like to volunteer for our um co-design Workshop
um please send us your details um and also again like I say this slide will be
sent out um there's a website address there that just contains a little bit
more detail and background about the mental health and addictions pilot and what we're trying to achieve and how
we're trying to assist um to get more Health Workforce um with into this
sector so I just want to thank you all for listening I'd like thank you all for um turning up and engaging um with us uh
during this houie and um I'll hand you back to Abigail thank you abig
girl awesome um we've still got five minutes so just before we close up would
any does anyone have any further questions no seeing a few shaking of
here it's perfect um yeah we thank you Kim Janine
Liz Zoe I think I've got everyone um thank
you all for your presentations today it's been great to be involved in the process I'm going to send out all the resources and presentations and all the
upcoming um things going on um I'll do that in the next few days um hope you
all found it really valuable I definitely learned quite a few things and I've been involved in the process for a little while um but good to good
to understand a bit more about the technical processes um yeah I'll finish
us off with a kak just to close so k k
perfect um hope to see you all another time thank