We care about health care professionals

We're here to help health and care professionals get the support they need to do their mahi.
  • Nurses' pay equity

    Employees covered by the nursing pay equity claim voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposed nursing pay equity settlement.
  • Pay disparities

    Government funding has been set aside to reduce the pay gap within the New Zealand health sector.
  • Scholarships and grants

    See the range of scholarships and grants available through Māori Health, Pacific Health – Workforce, Education and private providers.
  • Claims, provider payments and entitlements

    There are various claims, provider payments, subsidies, and entitlements you can apply for through Health New Zealand.
  • Overseas doctors

    Two new initiatives are targeted at qualified overseas doctors allowing them to apply for roles in New Zealand that will lead to full registration as a doctor.
  • Stakeholder hui and Ruruku

    Recordings and presentations from hui for our sector and service provider stakeholders. You'll also find links to Ruruku stakeholder newsletters on this page.

Health information for family and whānau

Data and statistics

Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns

Holidays Act remediation

If you worked for Health New Zealand, one of the former District Health Boards, or Health Alliance, Health Partnerships, Health Source or Northern Region Alliance at any time since 1 May 2010, you may have been paid incorrectly for your leave.
Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns

Unauthorised data breach update

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has started notifying individuals impacted by the alleged unauthorised data release by a former staff member.